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couple laptop questions......

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Guest helloimtim

Does a laptop take a special harddrive or does it take the same type of harddrive that a desktop takes? What about ram? Same as a desktop or diffrent? I ran across a hp laptop with a ten gig harddrive and its running 64 megs of sd ram. Any ideas what I could jump the harddrive up to and the ram? When it comes to laptops im clueless about the insides......Thanks........

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usually a laptop is a 2.5 inch hd, the connector is a 44 pin, it has the power and data in one. you can get adapters for it, so if you don't care muchj about more power consumption and less shock resistance, you could ducttape a 250 gig drive to the outside of the laptop and connect that, as long as the bios on the laptop plays along, and the ram depends pretty much on make and model. some have special needs, some just need expensive stuff, some can use standard sticks. depends on how much it's tweaked for powersaving etc. (your run of the mill ddr2 module is fairly powerhungry, but it is supposed to live in a mains-powered box, so it doesn't matter.

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harddrives and ram from desktops are not interchangable with those of laptops.  the one exception to this are those small thin desktops that use laptop disk drives and harddrives and whatnot, but for the ram, i think they still use desktop ram.

If im not mistaken, desktops use ram thats labelled with DIMM and laptops have SO-DIMM.

Also, the laptop that your describing seems pretty old, and for some reason, RAM prices are really high for old ram (i have a really old comp that uses SDRAM(no ddr or anything) and for a 512mb stick it costs like 80 bucks...i just got a 1gb ddr2 stick for my laptop for 90...what gives?)

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