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i used to have the View-Text Size set at larger in IE6...it would remain that way

never having to change it...a couple days ago i installed MS office 2003 & now every

time i restart IE6 it defaults back to normal & i have to reset back to larger

...this is no biggie....but kinda makes me feel like i need glasses all of a sudden..

anyone know what in the office program is causing this???


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CTRL + Mouse Wheel will change your font size <--cool little gizmo (for those who didn't know)

Assuming you are not accidentally changing it with Ctrl+Scroll (mouse wheel) then it

shouldn't change unless some web site changes it; most usually it is MS Outlook messing up the works.

Try this out:

In Outlook, go to Tools-->Options-->Mail Format-->Fonts-->International Fonts, and for each font

change the "Font Size" entry to your desired size.

Try This fix:

It happens very often when you run eudora with IE6. You have to go to eudora options, viewing email, and uncheck "use microsofts viewer".

Try This fix:

Make sure your date/time is accurate on the machine; this may sound gypsy.. but check it out.

thats all i can think of...hope it helps ~!

-JxL ;)

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