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Van, im having the same loss to testmy now, no loss to any other  website, no slowdowns on any other website either. Only to TM :(

yea its a problem iside the planet network, speed has been good for me a few days now but today im back to around 3 Mbps  :(

also sometimes pages in forum time out ....

VanBuren :)

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hey varia and welcome to the forum :)

bad pings and packetloss over UDP that most games using is most likely out of your control, inside ISP network.

keep making tracerts and post your ISP, also you can test to reboot your modem for 30 seconds and by pass your router if you have one.

and see if the packeloss decrease.

VanBuren :)

Hello VanBuren,

My ISP is Bright House Networks a.k.a. Road Runner a.k.a. Time Warner Cable http://cfl.mybrighthouse.com/

They just upgraded my net:

Maitland, FL--Bright House Networks today announced it will increase the maximum download speed of its high speed Internet service to 5 mega-bits per second (Mbps) from 3Mbps.

But my upload speed is a same, around 0.4mbits

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 360 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Upload Speed is:: 44 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 6 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 23.27 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=5MJPWCXTH

The worst thing is my ping.

Here are two traces, first with my router, the second without the router:

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

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heya varia :)

there is noway to get much lower pings, its the huge distrance that makes ping so high, sure you can earn maybe 1 to 20 ms by changing ISP, if their route is better to europe but i daubt it

almost all my traffic to US from Sweden go via New York and that gives me best ping to those locations and less hops

cant help you on that one  :cry:

btw the ping is lower and seems more stable to your fist hops without router, so it might be a problem with that one too, have you loaded latest firmware?

VanBuren :)

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heya varia :)

there is noway to get much lower pings, its the huge distrance that makes ping so high, sure you can earn maybe 1 to 20 ms by changing ISP, if their route is better to europe but i daubt it

almost all my traffic to US from Sweden go via New York and that gives me best ping to those locations and less hops

cant help you on that one

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heya Varia :)

its very good that you do this tests, add time and date, then your ISP has something to work on

also bypass your router when your doing these tests, then you have eliminated one source that can give packetloss.

you migt also want to try out www.dslreports.com line quality test

you have to register, but its all free

good luck

VanBuren :)

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heya Varia :)

its very good that you do this tests, add time and date, then your ISP has something to work on

also bypass your router when your doing these tests, then you have eliminated one source that can give packetloss.

you migt also want to try out www.dslreports.com line quality test

you have to register, but its all free

good luck

VanBuren :)

So router can caus those packet lost?!

hmm, didnt know that.

i member onthe dslreport site, i will run some test.

about my ips:

anytime im trying to explain my problem to them, like a deaf wall.

they are stupid.

Thank you for contacting Bright House Networks regarding your Broadband Internet service.  In response to your inquiry, we ran a few tests on your modem and at this time, we are unable to locate any concerns with the network or your modem.  However, this does not mean you are not experiencing them.  What we are going to do is start monitoring your modem.  While we are doing this, please do not unplug or reset your modem so that we are get accurate results and locate the area of concern.  In the mean time, we are including some information to possibly increase your browsing ability, and ask that you give us approximately three days to monitor your modem.

To delete all of your offline content and cookies, please follow the process below:

Internet Explorer 5 & 6:


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