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1 Laptop with TWO INTERNAL hard disk - :)

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Hi there guys

i just got hold of a 2nd laptop hard disk and guess what my laptop supports TWO internal HD

yeah this rocks :)

my original one is 7200rpm 60G

my new one is a 5400rpm 40G

i have not raided them yet but i am thinking or trying it and just comparing the performace

i know i will lose 20G out of my original HD to raid both of them, and i also have a concern because of their different RPM

for now it will just be an extra drive in the future maybe RAID it.

i post some picture along :)

isn't this cool

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nvr heard of that one but fuck yes mannnnnnn!

trying to get a 60GB hard disk for a laptop still a bit pricey so i don't know

this 40G was for free so i didn't reject the offer, but raid 60G hard disk on a laptop would ROCK :D

hm. if by raiding them you mean raid0 (striping, which ewssentially puts even clusters on one uneven on the other and effectively more or less doubles speed) then the problem is as you mentioned not identical hard drives and you would probably get only double the speed of the slower drive.

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