cholla Posted November 8, 2005 CID Share Posted November 8, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurrTimeoutCount SNMPname: CurTimeoutCount ShortDescr: Current Repeated Timeout Count Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Current number of times that RTO has been increased due to repeated timeouts. The timeout multiplier is typically 2^CurrTimeoutCount. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: Reword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: AbruptTimeouts RenameFrom: TimeoutsAfterFR ShortDescr: Abrupt Timeouts Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: Total number of timeouts that occurred without any preceding duplicate acknowledgments or other hints of congestion. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: PktsRetrans ShortDescr: Packets With Retransmitted Data Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of pkts retransmitted on the connection by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: BytesRetrans ShortDescr: Retransmitted Bytes Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of bytes retransmitted on the connection by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: DupAcksIn ShortDescr: Number of Duplicate Acks Received Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of duplicate ACKs received on the connection by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SACKsRcvd ShortDescr: Number of SACKs Options Received Change: Redefine to be SACK Options. Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of SACK options on the connection, received by the Local Host, that represent new data arriving at the Remote Host. R/W: read-only Reference: RFC2018 TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options Comment: Count of SACK options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SACKBlocksRcvd ShortDescr: Number of SACKs blocks Received Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of SACK blocks on the connection, received by the Local Host, that represent new data arriving at the Remote Host. R/W: read-only Reference: RFC2018 TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options Comment: Count of SACK blocks and not SACK options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: PreCongSumRTT ShortDescr: Sum of the RTT as measured just before congestion Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: Sum of the RTT as measured just before congestion. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: PreCongCountRTT ShortDescr: Count of the RTT as measured just before congestion Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: Count of the RTT as measured just before congestion. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: PostCongSumRTT ShortDescr: Sum of the RTT as measured just after congestion Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: Sum of the RTT as measured just after congestion. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: PostCongCountRTT ShortDescr: Count of the RTT as measured just after congestion Category: SENDER PATH LOSS MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: Count of the RTT as measured just after congestion. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: SENDER PATH OTHER SIGNALS CatDescr: Instruments at the sender to detect other types of non-loss congestion signals such as source quench or ECN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: ECNsignals ShortDescr: All ECN congestions signals Category: SENDER PATH OTHER SIGNALS ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of Congestion Signals delivered via all forms of explicit congestion notification including the ECE bit and failing the ECN nonce check, etc. R/W: read-only Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: ECERcvd ShortDescr: ECE congestions signals Category: SENDER PATH OTHER SIGNALS ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of Congestion Signals received via the RFC3168 ECE bit. R/W: read-only Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SendStall ShortDescr: local resource stalls treated as congestion signals Category: SENDER PATH OTHER SIGNALS ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of interface stalls or other sender local resource limitations that are treated as congestion signals. R/W: read-only Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: QuenchRcvd ShortDescr: ICMP Quench Messages received Category: SENDER PATH OTHER SIGNALS ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of ICMP quench messages that are treated a congestion signals. R/W: read-only Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: SENDER PATH REORDER MODEL CatDescr: Instruments at the sender to infer that the TCP's reliable delivery mechanisms are being confused by packet reordering on the path from the sender to the receiver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: RetranThresh ShortDescr: Duplicate ACKs needed to trigger FR Category: SENDER PATH REORDER MODEL ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Duplicate ACKs needed to trigger FR. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: Constant in most current TCPs. Subject to current research. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: NonRecovDA ShortDescr: Duplicate Acks attributed to Out-of-Order Category: SENDER PATH REORDER MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: Duplicate acks (or SACKS) that did not trigger fastretransmit because they were withdrawn prior to reaching RetranThresh. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: AckAfterFR ShortDescr: ACKs following FR, but not due to FR (way ooo) Category: SENDER PATH REORDER MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: ACKs following FR, but not due to FR (way out-of-order). @@@@@ This is intended to instrument premature fast retransmits. It may be as simple as counting partial acks that are not followed by more duplicate acknowledgements. This may also instrument the Eifel algorithm. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: May be hard to implement/poorly specified - this should be a future Eiffle instrument. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: DSACKDups ShortDescr: Duplicate Data DSACK Reports Category: SENDER PATH REORDER MODEL ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of duplicate segments by the Remote Host using DSACKs. R/W: read-only Reference: Floyd and others. "An Extension to the Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) Option for TCP," Internet Draft August 1999, draft-floyd-sack-00.txt. Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: SENDER PATH RTT CatDescr: Instruments on the round trip time and the retransmission timeout timer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SampledRTT SNMPname: SampleRTT ShortDescr: Most recent RTT sample Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The most recent round trip time sample in milliseconds for this connection, as seen by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SmoothedRTT ShortDescr: Smoothed RTT Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The smoothed round trip time in milliseconds for this connection, as seen by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxRTT ShortDescr: Maximum RTT Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum round trip time sample seen on this connection by the Local Host, in milliseconds. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MinRTT ShortDescr: Minimum RTT Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The smallest round trip time sample seen on this connection by the Local Host, in milliseconds. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SumRTT ShortDescr: Cumulative RTT Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Counter64 Description: Cumulative round trip times seen on this connection by the Local Host, in milliseconds. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: To be used with CountRTT to find the Average RTT in an interval ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CountRTT ShortDescr: Count of RTT Samples included in SumRTT Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Counter32 Description: Count of RTT samples included in SumRTT. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: To be used with SumRTT to find the Average RTT in the interval ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurrentRTO SNMPname: CurRTO ShortDescr: Current Retransmission Timer Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current value of the retransmit timeout limit (in milliseconds, not including the backoff timer) for this connection, as kept by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxRTO ShortDescr: Maximum Retransmission Timer Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum value of the retransmit timeout limit (in milliseconds, not including the backoff timer) for this connection, as seen by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MinRTO ShortDescr: Minimum Retransmission Timer Category: SENDER PATH RTT ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The smallest value of the retransmit timeout limit (in milliseconds, not including the backoff timer) for this connection, as seen by the Local Host. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: SENDER PATH SEGMENT SIZE CatDescr: Sender's maximum segment size, and the range of values explored by the MTU discovery algorithm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurrentMSS SNMPname: CurMSS ShortDescr: Current Maximum Segment Size Category: SENDER PATH SEGMENT SIZE ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current "maximum segment size" in bytes used by the Local Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: RFC1191 Path MTU Discovery Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxMSS ShortDescr: Maximum MSS Category: SENDER PATH SEGMENT SIZE ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum value of the "maximum segment size" in bytes used by the Local Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: RFC1191 Path MTU Discovery Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MinMSS ShortDescr: Minimum MSS Category: SENDER PATH SEGMENT SIZE ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The smallest value of the "maximum segment size" in bytes used by the Local Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: RFC1191 Path MTU Discovery Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: SENDER BUFFER CatDescr: Instruments on the senders buffer usage, including any buffering in the application interface to TCP and the retransmit queue. SNMPfile: 6sendbuf SNMPprefix: tcpEStatsSendBuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: Sndbuf SNMPname: SndBuf RenameFrom: SndbufGet ShortDescr: Available sender buffer memory Category: SENDER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current total amount of sender buffer memory available to the connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurRetranQueue ShortDescr: Current size of retransmit queue Category: SENDER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current amount of memory used for the retransmit queue. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxRetranQueue ShortDescr: Maximum size of retransmit queue Category: SENDER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum amount of memory used for the retransmit queue. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurAppWQueue ShortDescr: Current size of application write queue Category: SENDER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current amount of memory used to hold data that has been written by the application, but has yet to be transmitted on the network for the first time. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxAppWQueue ShortDescr: Maximum size of application write queue Category: SENDER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum amount of memory used to hold data that has been written by the application, but has yet to be transmitted on the network for the first time. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: SENDER BUFFER TUNING CatDescr: Sender side tuning controls, including autotuning limits and "manual" controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: STuneMode RenameFrom: SAutoMode ShortDescr: Sender tuning mode Category: SENDER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: INTEGER Description: The mode used for the sender-side TCP tuning by the Local Host. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: PossibleValues: sndTModeDEFAULT(0) /* use app/system default */ sndTModeSETSOCKOPT(1) /* application set sndbuf size */ sndTModeFIXED(2) /* constant buffer size */ sndTModeAUTO(3) /* auto tune */ sndTModeEXP1(4) /* future */ sndTModeEXP2(5) /* future */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SndbufSet ShortDescr: Set the available sender buffer memory Category: SENDER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: A read/write gage to manually set the current buffer size, when STuneMode is sndTModeFIXED. Reading SndbufSet always reports the most recent write to SndbufSet, even if STuneMode is not sndTModeFIXED. Note that when entering manual (aka fixed) tuning modes SndbufSet should be updated before STuneMode. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: This variable only has meaning in sndTModeFIXED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SAppBuf RenameFrom: SndbufMin ShortDescr: Set the autotuning minimum buffer Category: SENDER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Advise to the auto-tuning algorithm in regards to the amount of buffer used to decouple the application from the TCP end-point. e.g. for the sender, limits (high, low or soft reservation) on the data queued before it is first transmitted. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SMaxWinBuf RenameFrom: SndbufMax ShortDescr: Maximum autotuning window buffer Category: SENDER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Advise to the auto-tuning algorithm in regards to the amount of buffer be used to support TCP retransmissions. e.g. limits on the TCP retransmit buffer. Its precise definition is tuning mode specific. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: SXtra ShortDescr: Autotuning extra arg Category: SENDER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Additional mode specific advise to the auto-tuning algorithm. R/W: read-only Comment: Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: STuneErr RenameFrom: SAutoErr ShortDescr: Sender tuning mode error flag Category: SENDER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: TruthValue Description: True indicates an tuning error. Error indications must be explicitly cleared. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: A possible autotuning error would be when the application sets sndbuf with setsockopt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: LOCAL RECEIVER CatDescr: Instruments on the state of the Local receiver. SNMPfile: 7receiver SNMPprefix: tcpEStatsRec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurrentRwinSent SNMPname: CurRwinSent ShortDescr: current receiver window out Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current receiver window, in bytes, advertised by the Local Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxRwinSent ShortDescr: maximum receiver window out Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum receiver window, in bytes, ever advertised by the Local Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: The value used for this parameter is after the window scale has been applied, ie. after the window has been shifted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MinRwinSent ShortDescr: minimum receiver window out Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The minimum receiver window, in bytes, ever advertised by the Local Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: The value used for this parameter is after the window scale has been applied, ie. after the window has been shifted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: OutOfWindowDiscards ShortDescr: Packets discarded because they fail a window test Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Counter32 Description: Packets discarded because they fail a window test, including data, ack number or PAWS. R/W: read-only Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: OutOfWindowReason ShortDescr: Identifies the window test that most recently failed Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: INTEGER Description: Identifies the window test that most recently failed R/W: read-only Comment: Reference: PossibleValues: belowDataWindow(1) /* network reordering, window probe or keep alive */ aboveDataWindow(2) /* impl bug or fraud only */ belowAckWindow(3) /* network reordering */ aboveAckWindow(4) /* impl bug or fraud only */ belowTSWindow(5) /* PAWS detected network reordering */ aboveTSWindow(6) /* impl bug or fraud only */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: DupAckEpisodes ShortDescr: Number of Duplicate Acks Sent when prior Ack was not duplicate Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of transitions into recovery states (requiring the transmission of duplicate acknowledgements) R/W: read-only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: DupAcksOut ShortDescr: Number of Duplicate Acks Sent Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Counter32 Description: The number of duplicate ACKs sent on the connection by the Local Host. R/W: read-only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CERcvd ShortDescr: Received segments with Congestion Experienced bits Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Counter32 Description: Received segments with Congestion Experienced bits. R/W: read-only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: ECNSent ShortDescr: Number of times CE bits have set ECN Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Counter32 Description: Number of times CE bits have set ECN. R/W: read-only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: ECNNonceRcvd ShortDescr: Number of ECN Nonces received Category: LOCAL RECEIVER ProcType: Counter32 Description: Number of ECN Nonces received. Note that the low bit is the same as the 1 bit nonce sum. @@@@ not yet standards track R/W: read-only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER CatDescr: Instruments on the receiver buffer usage, including any buffering in the application interface to TCP and the reassembly queue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: Rcvbuf SNMPname: RcvBuf RenameFrom: RcvbufGet ShortDescr: Available receiver buffer memory Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current total amount of receiver buffer memory available to the connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurReasmQueue ShortDescr: Current size of reassembly queue Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current amount of memory used for the reassembly queue. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxReasmQueue ShortDescr: Maximum size of reassembly queue Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum amount of memory used for the reassembly queue. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurAppRQueue ShortDescr: Current size of application read queue Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current amount of memory used to hold data that has been acknowledged to the sender but not delivered to the application. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxAppRQueue ShortDescr: Maximum size of application read queue Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum amount of memory used to hold data that has been acknowledged to the sender but not delivered to the application. R/W: read-only Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER TUNING CatDescr: Receiver tuning controls, including autotuning limits and "manual" controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: RTuneMode RenameFrom: RAutoMode ShortDescr: Receiver tuning mode Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: INTEGER Description: The mode used for the receiver-side TCP tuning by the Local Host. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: PossibleValues: recTModeDEFAULT(0) /* use app/system default */ recTModeSETSOCKOPT(1) /* application set rcvbuf size */ recTModeFIXED(2) /* constant buffer size */ recTModeAUTO(3) /* auto tune */ recTModeEXP1(4) /* future */ recTModeEXP2(5) /* future */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: RcvbufSet ShortDescr: Set the available receiver buffer memory Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: A read/write gauge to manually set the current buffer size, when RTuneMode is recTModeFIXED. Reading RcvbufSet always reports the most recent write to RcvbufSet, even if RTuneMode is not recTModeFIXED. Note that when entering manual (aka fixed) tuning modes RcvbufSet should be updated before RtuneMode. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: This variable only has meaning in recTModeFIXED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: RAppBuf RenameFrom: RcvbufMin ShortDescr: Set the autotuning minimum buffer Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Advise to the auto-tuning algorithm in regards to the amount of buffer used to decouple the application from the TCP end-point. e.g. for the receiver, limits on the amount of buffer space available for data that has been acknowledged but not read by the application. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: RMaxWinBuf RenameFrom: RcvbufMax ShortDescr: Maximum autotuning window buffer Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Advise to the auto-tuning algorithm in regards to the amount of buffer be used to support TCP retransmissions. e.g. limits on the TCP reassembly buffer. Its precise definition is tuning mode specific. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: RXtra ShortDescr: Autotuning extra arg Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: Gauge32 Description: Additional mode specific advise to the auto-tuning algorithm. R/W: read-only Comment: Reference: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: RTuneErr RenameFrom: RAutoErr ShortDescr: Receiver tuning mode error flag Category: LOCAL RECEIVER BUFFER TUNING ProcType: TruthValue Description: True indicates an tuning error. Error indications must be explicitly cleared. R/W: read-write Reference: Comment: A possible autotuning error would be when the application sets rcvbuf with setsockopt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORY: OBSERVED RECEIVER WINDOW CatDescr: Instruments on receiver window updates used to infer the receiver's state. These can be collected at the sender or anywhere along the network path, including at the receiver. SNMPfile: 8rwin SNMPprefix: tcpEStatsObsRec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: CurrentRwinRcvd SNMPname: CurRwinRcvd ShortDescr: Current Receiver Window Category: OBSERVED RECEIVER WINDOW ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The current receiver window, in bytes, advertised by the Remote Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: The value used for this parameter is after the window scale has been applied, ie. after the window has been shifted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MaxRwinRcvd ShortDescr: Maximum Receiver Window Category: OBSERVED RECEIVER WINDOW ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The maximum receiver window, in bytes, ever advertised by the Remote Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: The value used for this parameter is after the window scale has been applied, ie. after the window has been shifted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VariableName: MinRwinRcvd ShortDescr: Minimum Receiver Window Category: OBSERVED RECEIVER WINDOW ProcType: Gauge32 Description: The minimum receiver window, in bytes, ever advertised by the Remote Host for this connection. R/W: read-only Reference: Comment: The value used for this parameter is after the window scale has been applied, ie. after the window has been shifted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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