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I do not know if anyone is having this problem but today i bought a wireless print server hoping that it would work with my printer. I come to find out that my printer is indeed not compatable with the wireless print server. My printer is an all-in one printer. It's a Lexmark X125 to be specific. So my question is are there any print servers that are compatable with all-in one printers or do I have to buy a new printer? Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.   

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looks to me you're up a certain creek without a paddle. the x125 is discontinued, it only has usb ports and from the looks and description of the thing it is a gdi printer. basically this means that it needs all its info chewed up and digested by the operating system and then spoonfed via the usb. simply hooking it up to a usb print server will make it feel lonely. these types of printers can not operate as network printers, at least not using all their functions.

as for buying a new printer, how much printing do you do. do you do color a lot, do you need an all in one, would a good printer and a scanner be an option? and of course any other info you can think of.

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