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HI, I'm a Data tech at Comcast, and hear we are upgrading the speeds now to 10mb/1024mb come the end of january, basic service will be the 6mb service if you only have internet, and 8mb if you have cable and internet, if you already pay 10 dollars extra for the 8mb speed you will be increased to the 10mb speed, The 10mb speed WILL ONLY be offered if you subscribe to Digital Cable and Internet, and already pay the 10 dollars extra  for the 8mb speed tier.

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10 millibit download? that is horribly slow. and a 1024 millibit upload is slow as well. but faster than the upload by a factor of 102.4. weird policy. slower than dialup with a weird speed balance. for how much?

or did you mean Mb for Megabit? in that case the 1024 Mb upload is gonna make many people happy. how do i subscribe to the 1 Gigabit upload?




(in the metric system the small m stands for milli which is 1/1000th and the M is for Mega which stands for a factor of 1000.

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there are generally no caps on bandwidth, Comcast's gateway only allows so much data travel per continuous stream from each user on the network,, so constant large amounts of data flow ie. hosting a website would be a violation of your customer agreement, automatically Comcast's D.H.C.P. server blocks your modem and flag your account...

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besides the yelling, you're spamming again. let me explain it to you: if you are not sure where to post a question, comment, blurb, rant, flame or revelation stick it in a new topic in general discussion. most everyone will see it there and the moderators will (re)move it as needed.

the caps lock key is usually located somewhere between the left tab and shift key. pressing it should make a little light on your keyboard turn off. if not, then tapping the shift key should do it.

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full-time. i'm sorry if i interrupted your feeble attempt to get people to admit to uncapping modems. (maybe you shouldn't have claimed to be affiliated with them before?)

and speaking of resumes, you should either sign it handwritten or like so:



the way you did it could be misunderstood as a personal attack, which is one of the things frowned upon here, along with spamming multiple threads with the same post. and yelling. hm. calling me an asshole, spamming and yelling. three strikes. you're out!

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this is even harder to get than regular dsl cause you have to be very close to the central office and i would get it but my area says i have to be at 1000 feet or under to get it but if i was close enough i would get 3 mb upload and 25 mb download.  also it might be different in some area's but i am pretty sure it can go past 30 mb download.

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how could you utilize that much bandwidth, even if your speed is that fast most websites won't let you download nowhere near those speeds. You can only download as fast as someone can upload to you.. but Maybe the large bandwidth could go good with file sharing programs, maybe you can get more multiple sources at once and utilize your bandwidth... other than that i believe a 2Mb/768k

line would suffice...

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