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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by reddog00

  1. Looks great CA3LE!
  2. Man too bad our government doesn't use ANY of that democracy you guys used....lol Just to throw my ignoramous opinion into the mix... I absolutely love both companies to death!!! Why.... because they push each other to the max. I remember when NVidia was the clear cut king of video cards. ATI caught up and all hell broke lose and us consumers have reaped the rewards of that competition ever since. Yeah I was an NVidia fanboi back in the day but that is not the case anymore. All of us gamers should feel lucky as hell to have 2 video card companies fighting for king-of-the-hill. If there were only one video card company I guarantee my current video card would have probably been much much later to market and on top of that the price would have been worse than it already was. Also new technologies are coming harder and quicker with every new product release because of this fight!!! I LOVE YOU BOTH ATI & NVIDIA!!!
  3. Well bdodom if you like tweaking (which I love) you should research more about what values do what and which ones are useful and which are useless. I was a complete n00b a couple of years ago but after just plain milling aroung, curiosity, and trial and error (yes I have totally screwed up my connection) I have pretty much conquered the unconquerable! If you do decide to pursue more knowledge of this subject I will let you in on a couple of things. 1) You really only need to change a couple values to make a difference. You do not need to change 50 things! 2) These values are the important ones: TCP window size, MTU, and RTT Avg. (which is round trip time average) and scaling enabled if you have broadband which you do obviously do. Go to www.dslreports.com and they have tools to help you. In the left hand column you want to go into the tools menu. Then you need to run the tweak test about 5 times and get the average of these 5 results. The average is listed under the "more information" tab on the bottom of the results page. Once this info opens up look in the right hand column for your RTT Avg. (remember to get 5 results and average them). Once you have your RTT Avg. all you need is your correct TCP window size. There are usually 3 possible values: 1480, 1492, and 1500. Look at the tweak test result to see which you are using. Then at the same web site (not sure where?) there is an MTU calculator which automatically spits out and MTU based on the values you input. The only values you need to input are the TCP window size and the RTT Avg. which are both obtained from the tweak test at www.dslreports.com. Wish you luck because I thought the stuff was a joke until I really started to learn what did what. Pretty cool now. You might want to back up your registry before making any changes. This is a given! I will check back to see how things are and if you have a question. PS - Make sure you save this MTU for future use so you do not have to do all this stuff again! Good luck! Just thought I would throw one of my results in for you. Something to shoot for ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 4811 Kbps about 4.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 587 KB/sec Auth Code: 2072166 (validate at http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 86 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.74 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&align=&num=2072166&kbps=4811&gen=gen&a=2.28571428571429&b=2.28571428571429&c=1145.14285714286
  4. That is still crusin my man! Very nice score!
  5. LMFAO! I am sure glad my wife's thingy is not as big as your data pipe....hahahah! That is an incredible score
  6. Doubt you would even notice any change if your MTU went from 1492 to 1500. I was originally using WinXP's PPOE client which was set at 1480. My MTU is now at 1492 because of my router. I do not see any noticeable difference at all. And my MTU difference is bigger than your would be so I would not even mess with what ya got. Seems to be going fine from where I am sitting
  7. Dang tlxracer that is flat out smokin! Fastest home connection I have seen so far. Here is mine: ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 4901 Kbps about 4.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 598 KB/sec Auth Code: 2073516 (validate at http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 88 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.71 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&align=&num=2073516&kbps=4901&gen=gen&a=12.5714285714286&b=1.71428571428571&c=1145.14285714286 Topped out at about 5500kpbs a few times but that is rarity. Pretty consistent with my 4900 scores though. I will not complain
  8. Wow what a chip!!!
  9. shutterfly if I were you I would do a clean install with the OS. You clean install will pick up the onboard video and hopefully at least give you a picture to work with. After getting through the basic installation I would install the Radeon 700 just like you had no video installed at all. When finished go into device manager and look for your video adapters. There should be 2 listed. The radeon and your onboard. Right click on the radeon one and go into properties. Make sure this is labeled as enabled and to use only that device (ie the radeon700) After that is done go back into the device manager and this time right click your onboard video card and just disable this device. But make sure you enable the radeon before you disable your onboard video because you will not be able to get a picture on your monitor. Let me know if this works or you have anymore questions. Hope this help!!!
  10. Not bad CA3LE...looking like a screamer!!!
  11. I have to side with lorne on this one. When I originally got my DSL line hooked up and did a base test I went from 240kbps to about 450kbps. Granted this tweak does and will NOT work for everyone. It all depends on the connection I guess?
  12. reddog00

    new idea

    Hey ice you will always get different results from different speed test sites because that is just the way the internet is set up and how it works. I have tested at 5500kbps here at testmy.net but the highest I ever tested with a Mcafee speed test site is 2Mbps. Quite a difference! Also the CNET bandwidth test site only gives me a 2900kbps reading constantly but I know I am going faster than that. It also has to do a lot with what type of data they are using to test your speed with. So even from the reliable test sites that I frequent I get a 3.5Mbps difference in speeds. I obviously look at the higher one!!!
  13. reddog00

    new idea

    Hey ice you will always get different results from different speed test sites because that is just the way the internet is set up and how it works. I have tested at 5500kbps here at testmy.net but the highest I ever tested with a Mcafee speed test site is 2Mbps. Quite a difference! Also the CNET bandwidth test site only gives me a 2900kbps reading constantly but I know I am going faster than that. It also has to do a lot with what type of data they are using to test your speed with. So even from the reliable test sites that I frequent I get a 3.5Mbps difference in speeds. I obviously look at the higher one!!!
  14. reddog00

    new idea

    Hey ice you will always get different results from different speed test sites because that is just the way the internet is set up and how it works. I have tested at 5500kbps here at testmy.net but the highest I ever tested with a Mcafee speed test site is 2Mbps. Quite a difference! Also the CNET bandwidth test site only gives me a 2900kbps reading constantly but I know I am going faster than that. It also has to do a lot with what type of data they are using to test your speed with. So even from the reliable test sites that I frequent I get a 3.5Mbps difference in speeds. I obviously look at the higher one!!!
  15. reddog00

    ISP Reviews

    CA3LE I think that would be a great addition to an already stellar looking site!
  16. reddog00

    ISP Reviews

    CA3LE I think that would be a great addition to an already stellar looking site!
  17. reddog00

    ISP Reviews

    CA3LE I think that would be a great addition to an already stellar looking site!
  18. Hell Swimmer I use that same Ad-Aware program and the Spybot S&D program every couple of days. Guess what I get about 40 results back every test even after just a couple of days. It is ridiculous!!
  19. Hell Swimmer I use that same Ad-Aware program and the Spybot S&D program every couple of days. Guess what I get about 40 results back every test even after just a couple of days. It is ridiculous!!
  20. Hell Swimmer I use that same Ad-Aware program and the Spybot S&D program every couple of days. Guess what I get about 40 results back every test even after just a couple of days. It is ridiculous!!
  21. CA3LE he he would probably be better off going to the mobo manufacturers web site. I always get better results from the manufacturers drivers rather than WindowsUpdate Drivers. In fact I suggest to everyone not to use WindowsUpdate drivers because they have, on more than one occassion, forced me to wipe drive and do a clean OS install
  22. CA3LE he he would probably be better off going to the mobo manufacturers web site. I always get better results from the manufacturers drivers rather than WindowsUpdate Drivers. In fact I suggest to everyone not to use WindowsUpdate drivers because they have, on more than one occassion, forced me to wipe drive and do a clean OS install
  23. CA3LE he he would probably be better off going to the mobo manufacturers web site. I always get better results from the manufacturers drivers rather than WindowsUpdate Drivers. In fact I suggest to everyone not to use WindowsUpdate drivers because they have, on more than one occassion, forced me to wipe drive and do a clean OS install
  24. Hey lorne what brand motherboard do you have? I use my onboard 10/100 LAN. I have a DFI I875B Pro LanParty. Sucker glows in the dark. I am gonna set it my puter on my porch on Halloween and and scare the crap out of the geeks...lol! Anyways I have better speeds with the onboard LAN than I ever did with a NIC. You might wanna check and make sure that you have the latest driver update for the LAN on your mobo.
  25. Hey lorne what brand motherboard do you have? I use my onboard 10/100 LAN. I have a DFI I875B Pro LanParty. Sucker glows in the dark. I am gonna set it my puter on my porch on Halloween and and scare the crap out of the geeks...lol! Anyways I have better speeds with the onboard LAN than I ever did with a NIC. You might wanna check and make sure that you have the latest driver update for the LAN on your mobo.
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