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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Oh my, so what should I request then the SB5100 or SB5120?? Oh and RR is installing the router, so I don't think I have anything to worry about...
  2. Ok so the Motorola Surfboard 5120 is the "newest" Motorola modem?? Because I wanna ask for the newest one and best one!! And why good luck hooking up the installation?? Hard or what, and installing what is hard??
  3. Ok wait...Pitbull you said you have the Motorola Surfboard 5120, is that newer then the Motorola SB5100?? I want the newest and best one...Which one is better then??
  4. Ok sweet...I can't wait to try my broadband on Madden online!!!! I played Madden 2005 online dial-up and wow...What a heck of a time!! But in August when Madden 2006 comes out I'm going to be so happy!!!
  5. Ok, I just called...They said they only carry the Toshiba and the Motorola one...They said they will hook me up with one of those, and the router is $30.00 installation and the first year of using it is free then next year it will be $5.00 extra month..I'm going to have them set it up with my PS2 upstairs..One more question?? When I have this PS2 hooked up this isn't going to slow my computer internet speed down is it?? or only while they are both online?? or what?? thanks
  6. Ok I'm about to make the phone call to tell them which modem I would like...Out of these three (Motorola SB5100, Toshiba PCX2600, RCA DCM425) which one should I pick?? Which one is the best?? Thanks
  7. Ok, Thats exactly what I ment!!! Thanks...On one of these forums I read it said that people usually "tweak" when they want to boost or if they are not receiving the amount of power they are supposed too, about how many people usually have problems getting that 90% of what RR says your supposed to get?? Because I want to be the one who receives 90% or better without tweaking...One last thing now, can I hook my PS2 up without paying extra on the bill to play PS2 online?? Like is there things I can buy so I can hook this RR up in my room without getting charged extra?? Thanks...You people are SSOOOOO MUCH HELP!!!
  8. Sorry to be a bother but what do you think the chances are I am not going to have to tweak...I really don't feel like going through with it...and is there some people on here that don't tweak??
  9. I'm afraid it's not going to work good for me and it will go slow...I wish there was a way to get them here sooner
  10. Ok, so should I call them in advance to ask them for one of those modems?? Or wait til' they get here and tell them I want one of those??
  11. Nope, I don't have a router...How long do you think it'll take for (me) to download a 6mb file about when i get my basic service??
  12. Yeah, I know I don't think I can patiently wait until the 23rd lol! I'm gonna keep calling TWC to see if they end up getting an opening in earlier!! I don't really feel like going through the struggle of tweaking it so I hope it goes fast with just regular installation!! andI wanna hook it up to my PS2 in my room...But I think it is going to cost extra...
  13. Ok, well I will have to wait to post my speed...Because I don't get RR until July 23 anyway...
  14. So really I don't need to tweak it then do I?? Wow you guys are fast on replying...I'm loving this
  15. So your saying even if I live in a small town in the country I should get REALLY good speeds?? and thank you for welcoming me I love this place already and plan on coming on the forums alot!!!
  16. Ok, I just ordered RR...I live in a small town (but in the country) they will be here july 23!! Will my internet run slow or what?? I mean since I live in the stix will it run slow?? and can someone tell me how to tweak it faster for when I get it so I can go faster?? THANK YOU SO MUCH
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