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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Well thanks guys..Much help but I don't think I'm going to download anything when I get my RR because my friend said his uncle monitors computers at TWC and calls people up if they downloading illegal stuff like movies and shuts there account off
  2. Thanks Misery...I'm used to using WinMX and LimeWire to download music and movies..So are bittorrents better for those type of things??
  3. Cool can someone tell me where I can find this BitComet?? Or does someone recommend a different bitorrent that is better
  4. Yeah but I heard sometimes you have to open up a port or something?? I'm not sure
  5. I have not yet received my RR yet but when they come on the 23rd they are hooking it up and as well of that a router so it will be hooked up to my PS2...Is there certain things I am going to have to do to get online or will I be able to just boom get online without doing anything else??
  6. Yes, But ZoneAlarm slows down your Cable connection...
  7. Sygate doesn't work on my computer...everytime I open it it says Sygate has encountered an problem and needs to shut down..I think I'm going to stick with ZoneAlarm until I get RR and then use Computer Associates EZ ARMOR Security Software
  8. Is Windows Firewall good enough for a Firewall??? And what is a good Anti Virus...I'm not liking AVG
  9. What were your speeds before tweaking??? I wouldn't mind tweaking but 3 hours is really long...
  10. 53% of a 8mb download and I'm using dial-up until July 23rd when they hook my RR up...I just don't want to make the wrong decision and make it go slower with ZoneAlarm
  11. So what should I do?? Just finish my download of the FREE Sygate or keep my ZoneAlarm???
  12. Umm I have ZoneAlarm Firewall but on one of the forums on here it said that ZoneAlarm slows down your Cable Connection...
  13. Would the FREE version of Sygate be good enough for a Firewall?? Thanks
  14. Do you have any stats on like percentage of people who usually don't hit the 90% peak or above?? and where them people live like in town, country or what??
  15. Thanks Justin I live near a really small town in the country...So do you think living in the country would be a problem???
  16. I haven't yet received my RoadRunner Cable Internet but has anyone NOT tweaked there RoadRunner and have really good speeds??
  17. VanBuren do you think mine will still run fast even if I don't tweak it???
  18. No I haven't, I don't even have RR yet...It is going to be set up here on July 23rd!!! Wow will my internet still run fast without tweaking it?? 3 Hours is really long
  19. Ok I went here http://thegamer.serveftp.com/FAQ.htm and went down to the Windows XP one and when it's done it shows directions for non advanced users...If I use the easier one will I still get the same boost the hard one would do??
  20. Yeah but by the looks of the directions on how to tweak looks a little difficult...May I ask how long does it usually take to tweak your RR Internet??
  21. Ok, I called and made a change!! I told her I wanted the Motorola SB5120, and I had them add to what to bring a router to hook up and everything!! So I think I should be set, now I'm just hoping everything runs smooth and runs at the 90% of what RR speed is or better, without tweaking because I don't want to do that
  22. Yeah, but the lady said have another request incase they do not have the Motorola...Ok I live in a small town if I call my local cable which I ordered from it should get back to the people installing it what I want hooked up right?? I don't want them to come and not bring everything I wanted
  23. Oh and what Toshiba is the newest modem??
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