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Posts posted by wyantm06

  1. Always get a lease. I even gave my own brother one. Its the best way to do it always. that way no heart aches or misunderstandings later.


    Well we kind of made a deal, he does the repairs needed and we will give him rent cheap. He is renting a whole house for $400. YET he has not done repairs to get the insurance renewed. It needs new railing in front and back and siding patched. He didn't do any of it, so that's why were really raising it.

  2. I have seen others use toothpaste to remove light scratches from a cd. Seems to work. Just use a decent brand. LIke the other suggestion. Try in a hidden spot first.

    I've tried toothpaste a long time ago. Never worked on small scratches on CD's or plastic. I think the toothpaste stuff is a myth.

  3. Ok, if anyone has ever removed scratches from plastic what did you use? Please only recommend something if it worked really good. I am in need of taking scratches out of my laptop lid and my HDTV trim. They look horrible and I would like to get them removed.

  4. When doing illegal activities in the old days wyantm06. Its called gut feeling. If it makes you nervous, don't do it yet. That'll be your best judge. i only got cought once. I did not follow my gut that time either.


    What illegal activity did you get caught doing? Sorry just curious. Yeah I am back on there, hopefully all is good.

  5. Well...I ended up calling today and cussing 2 different people out! I was told 2 times that no just because it is a business I HAVE to have business class, and it doesn't matter if I am just using it for personal use. $70 is way to expensive just to get on testmy.net, myspace, and xbox.com a day. I can wait until I get home. Sigh, I hope Verizon comes in my area soon because I am fed up with RoadRunner BS.

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