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Posts posted by Dark06

  1. In which case you lied to them so you have committed fraud..  The EULA reads..

    Which means that quad core processors currently violate the EULA of XP..

    wow did not know that

    btw theres a hack tool that allows you to update windows even if its a pirated key but after you do update it you will c please register with microsoft in 30 days but you run the 2nd part of the hack and it destroys that message

    look into it

  2. go to the routers settings page and it will provavly have a link to update it which will open a command to locate the bin file

    modem u could try going to the manufacturers website

  3. yep wait a bit but u seem to b in the normal but i seriesly thought 1.5 mbs down and 756 kbs were the same price if u made a contract with them for a year

    u might want to check that out if it still holds true

  4. Everyone needs to chill out here. The guy is asking for advice and does not need to be insulted. If he does not agree with your advice fine, but there is no need to make derogotory comments. I know for a fact there are things each of us has no clue about. If you asked me for my opinion on something medical and you werent sure if I was right I would not make fun of you or your knowledge level. Cmon guys. You guys know we are family here and family supports each other, even the new additions to the family. If we cant play nice here and must all try to show that we know more than the next I will lock it.

    Everyone in this thread is a well respected member of testmy, now imagine how you are making this guy think of Testmy. A couple of people need to issue an apology in my opinion.

    you guys are tearing apart at this guy and hes new here

    This really has been the only time i seen some1 do this here in TMN

    So plz dont let it happen again

    chill guys not every1 here is very technical thats the reason this place exist to share the information we have and try to get awnsers for the things we have no clue about

  5. Im guessing u should try to ask $550 to settle at $475 cause thats about what u gonna get for it

    anything else and some1 would rather buy a cheap ass but new system from a retail

    than buy a decent system use

    im sorry but u dont get much for use pc's

    try puting it in a cool case with a few neon lights and u might get $500-525for it but seriesly it looks like u put to much money on it and aint worth putting more in cause u aint gonna get much more for it

  6. First post ever here, but yeah, I am having the very same problems. Most downloads keep themselves at bay at around 1-7KBs, but some have gone all the way up to 35KBs and others just recently went all the way to 200KBs, but never passed that limit. Never have I seen those speeds again with uTorrent. So yeah, OneLink is limiting download speed on P2P programs, and its getting VERY annoying. Hopefully many will complain (I'll get to that tomorrow) and they'll revert. Meh....

    Is that even legal for a ISP to censor stuff like that

    im sure u could probably sue citing the 1st admentmend or net nutralaty

    or some crazy shit

  7. I just recently found out about this


    basicly u text a lil search querry to google and within a minute google text you results

    i found this very helpful during spring break at South By Southwest( SXSW)

    and last weekend when i competed at state at corpus Christi,Tx

    everyone counted on me and lil google to provide directions

    I was able to quickly find addresses fast , and random lil info that was oh so importand at the moment

    like how many feet were in 1.7 miles

    its just a really cool feature and besides text fees it is free ( i get 300 text for $5)

    so try it out text what u need to google at 466453

      :grin::azn::headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

  8. coknut i forgot to say thank you

    so Thank You

    :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

    Thanks Everyone for your interest like i said i will post more up i will just b a while

    my first idea was to put a computer in a pizza box btw

    i made a topic about that but decided to drop that idea since i had to keep a computer cool and a pizza box is desinged to trap heat and keep it in

    but i might just attempt it now since this lil setup runs really cool with virtually no fans

  9. So do you have any cooling issues on that thing in such a small case??? :shocked:

    I left it running for 3 days with no problem

    i have a small one inch fan in there but its mostly for show cause it doesnt do much

    mini itx boards dont heat up as much

    btw i took a power supply out of its case and placed it inside too

    it also does not overheat but i have the lil fan pointing towards the power supply

    just in case

    its completely silent you can barely  hear that 1 lil fan running

    its nice

    SWEET. how does it run?  :evil6:

    Its running right now abuntuu but i hate it and will probably go to pclinux os or puppy

  10. pics and specs. and i hope you didn't just throw away those priceless nintendo internals?

    Specs are as follow

    600 mhz proccesor (you would b surprise what it can do with linux)

    256 mb of ram

    8 gigs

    32x cd drive (slimline)

    built in sound and video along with ethernet port

    keep in mind i built this out of my own pocket by myself

    most of the parts were used but hey it runs and it won me 2nd PLACE


    overall i spend a lil over $500

    everything but the slimline cd adaptor was bought at local shops

    keep in mind it is meant to b either a client or a server not a main computer

  11. my teacher wanted me to join the computer maintenance part of skills usa, but i didnt get my money in fast enough.

    Its a cool organazation

    the pics suck but i promise there will be more as soon as i get my camera back

    <img src="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/Darkone06/HPIM1911.jpg">

    <img src="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/Darkone06/HPIM1908.jpg">

    <img src="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/Darkone06/HPIM1937.jpg">

    <img src="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/Darkone06/HPIM1936.jpg">

    <img src="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/Darkone06/HPIM1946.jpg">

  12. Ok so i had not been on here in a while mostly because i was scared to slip something out to one of my opponents

    Im in this school competition called Skills Usa


    Well anyway i did a COMPUTER MAINTENCE PROJECT

    and won 1st place in districin feburary

    2nd place in state this last weekend

    there is no national level at all

    what i did was built a computer inside of an old school nintendo

    if you guys are interested in it i will post pics if not  then whatever

    im just kind of a lil happy right now

    btw i live in Austin,Texas

    just so u know Texas is huge and i went up against hundredths of computer projects

    so 2nd isnt so bad

    in a state as big as Texas and as technological

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