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Everything posted by necrogoldo

  1. well, blocking p2p (or anything for that matter) is a very lame solution to the problem, they should at least try to REALLY fix the problem without blocking anything. They have to do everything in their power to restore service as it was before or they'll loose a lot of users to DMAX(crap too) and centennial ii.
  2. the packet loss might be fixed, but my p2p (including bitorrent) is still being blocked and this whole situation still sucks
  3. he meant 256kbps upload, not download
  4. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2627 Kbps about 2.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 321 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Thu Jan 19 2006 01:04:39 GMT-0400 (SA Western Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 47X faster than 56K 1MB download in 3.19 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 18.82 % faster than the average for host (onelinkpr.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DROUE0KXT
  5. I'm gonna have to call an threaten them with DACO or the FCC or something so they fix this. Its ridiculous, I only get full speed when using a download accelerator, everything else is slow as hell (websites, P2P, 250+ms pings, lag in online games). Its really pissing me off, I hope Verizon Fios comes soon. :angry5:
  6. yea, it really sucks, I hope they fix this because I could access web pager quicker with 512KB DSL
  7. Since our server in PR changed from miamifl.adelphia.net to sanjpr.adelphia.net(what were they thinking?) I only get 3MB+ like 4 hours a day and 512KB the rest of the day, wich sucks . With the old server it was always 3.5MB+.
  8. XSAVAGE, tienes toda la razon sobre DMAX, pero espero q arreglen el problemita rapido pq no llevo ni un mes con Adelphia y ya ha ocurrido esto 2 veces
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