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Aulo Aasmaa

Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Aulo Aasmaa

  1. Exactly. Newer phones have more capacity but in my mind quite unnecessary background process will still alter performance and more importantly will drain juices from battery much faster be the phone old or new. I say the best antivirus and main source of problems is the user itself - keep away from suspicious sites and from downloading APK-s from unknown sources and you should do fine. And of course congrats on a new phone! Best regards, Aulo
  2. Promised 100/50 (down/up), SpeedTest says constant 100/42, here my average stays at 62/14. Paying 40€ / $54.71 monthly for 4G LTE unlimited data plan (speed is limited to 100/50 Mb/s).
  3. Android specific, but perhaps you would like to take a look at something I guess worthwile reading regarding smartphone antivirus software: * http://www.extremetech.com/computing/104827-android-antivirus-apps-are-useless-heres-what-to-do-instead * http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/do-you-need-antivirus-on-android/
  4. If I am not mistaken, the beta test site seems very similar if not totally the same to what I see when I access the TMN site with my Android smartphone.
  5. Perhaps if the Frappr is no more (in fact has never been stable), moving on to myguestmap.org or implementing similar feature directly to TMN site?
  6. Tallinn, capital of Estonia.
  7. In my case the "City" displays "Unknown" under "Database"→"Your detected info". Additionally to my country I would really like my test results go for the good of my city / municipality. Can you please advise if there is something I should check at my browser settings or what could be causing my city not being detected correctly? What I really like in TMN is the openness of database - a possibility to get overview of results by different providers and geographical locations and among other things I really think the more detailed the statistics side of the TMN the better for your business. This us because we the testers not only are interested in our own performance but also want to see how we compare to others from many different angles. I personally test often but even more browse the database - so again the more detail you add to it the better. Thank you for the best testing site and wishing you all the strength developing it even better, especially the statistics side. Best regards!
  8. (Click for larger image) Router: Dovado Pro USB Stick: Huawei E3272
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