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About al244

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hey. I need answers asap. I have a community service due tomorrow (actually due today, but I was excused because my printer wasn't working). My printer is being stupid. It won't print out whole images. If I want to print out an essay for example, it will cut the 1 page essay into 3 or more different parts on 3 different pages. It's happened before, but time fixed it. I thought it would simply be an ink outage since I ran outta cyan, but I ran to the store today and replaced the ink without any new results. I have to print out a lot of pictures and my printer cutting one image into many won't work. I've tried reinstalling drivers but no luck. HELP!!! This project is due tomorrow!!!
  2. Wow that's awesome! Nice job.
  3. I can't imagine going out there like that. Seems pretty scary to me. It's cool that you want to protect our country though. You dlewis, have inspired me: Came out quite nicely... It's funny how this topic is supposed to be on money, but we are talking about dlewis' experiences in the armed forces!
  4. Haha. The drop out option seems interesting.
  5. I can't really. I'm too young. All I can do is mow lawns and do chores which I am doing but I don't make much with that.
  6. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5830 Kbps about 5.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 712 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Fri Feb 10 2006 19:35:58 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 104X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.44 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 41.95 % faster than the average for host (Cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-SMAVJQ3KH
  7. Cool! Lot's of money. I wish I had a job hehe.
  8. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5838 Kbps about 5.8 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 713 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.bafserv.com Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 104X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.44 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 41.63 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-K16IRMTZJ Pretty nice for Cox's 5/2 plan I'd say. I also test this consistantly!
  9. Beta YouSendIt? Is that YouSendIt without the 1-week limit or limited downloads? If it is then that's awesome! Also, is Foldershare for use on computers in like the same house, and Pando for use in e-mail only? Can you upload something, and then copy the link and send it to someone?
  10. Just curious what you guy's like. I also need a good site to upload my stuff to. A site with decent download speed to download from, no stupid waiting forever MegaUpload crap and then clicking a pop-up to download, and umm your files don't expire after a week or a limited number of downloads. I really liked YouSendIt until I found out that your files could expire, so I don't know what's good anymore. Download accelerator allowed is also a nice feature to an upload site!
  11. I like Windows Blinds more. Just think the themes and stuff are more appealing. I also heard Styles XP has spy-ware, but that's what people say about everything...I dunno, they are both pretty good. Styles XP has a larger selection though.
  12. Thanks Swimmer! Just what I needed. I did use google and didn't find anything. Searched Sony Vegas 6 tutorials and stuff, but it was all crap. Also, I never look past the 1st page in a google search result either. Wow, tutorials, free back grounds, plugins with awesome special effects. Thank you so much!
  13. I didn't get it that way if you know what I mean, meaning I don't really have the manual. Plus, I never read the manual even if I have it.
  14. This might go in the Help section, but I'm not sure hehe. Well anyway, I got my hands on Sony Vegas 6, supposed to be the most powerful video editing software you can get right now. The thing is, I have no clue how the hell I use it! Like most other programs, the built-in help is useless because I don't really know where to start. So, does anybody know a place where I can get some Sony Vegas 6 tutorials to learn from? Posting up a link would be great! Thanks!
  15. Yay! Version 8, thank you so much. Appreciated.
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