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Posts posted by ghostmaster

  1. :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Download Connection is:: 73948 Kbps about 73.9 Mbps (tested with 102391 kB)

    Download Speed is:: 9027 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

    Test Time:: 2008/11/14 - 2:40pm

    Bottom Line:: 1290X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.11 sec

    Tested from a 102391 kB file and took 11.343 seconds to complete

    Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 230.13 % faster than the average for host (ecu.edu)

    D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DW5YO8RKP

    User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648) [!]

  2. Did you try OpenSuse11.0?

    It has a modified interface that is pretty good, and is very user friendly.  To me, it's the best of the "desktop user" linux builds.


  3. I'm not fond of Sudo, so I tend to stray from Ubuntu builds.  I stick with CentOS, but I do like SUSE.  Now, if someone will step up and make a decent build for PS3, they'd have my attention.  Though that would require support from Sony to get the graphics card unlocked.  Otherwise it's just a waste.  I tried YDL, which I liked, but is still just painfully slow on PS3.

  4. I have been seeing this talk of how great Linux is for years, and have yet to see anyone make a version that is easier to use for non technical folks than OSX or XP.  It is much harder for average Joe to find and install software to use for Linux, even though there is so much out there.  Until there is a unified consortium of Linux, I doubt it's market share will grow all that much.

  5. Ok so bad attitudes and high taxes are to blame for the bad economy? 

    Good luck.  A lot of programs are state funded.  I started looking it up earlier...

    Just think about it though, if there are more people on welfare than not, our goverment would be immediately in deficit, and in a lot more trouble than now.

    How is a service economy supposed to survive when we outsource services?

  6. He's right.  The "fundamentals" of our economy are not "sound", as some will have you believe.  We need a spark.  We need something to produce.  The technology and .com evolution gave us a strong economy in the 90s.  The next decade will need something like that to get us back on track.  I hear these alternative energy things might be worth giving a shot....

  7. everyone does, but during recent times, there wasn't an option. I think everyone would agree that the bail outs shouldn't have happened in the first place. While we know that there wasn't an option of the bail outs unless we really wanted to put our economy into a true economic crisis, i think that if the government can go and bail companies out, the government should be able to regulate those companies so that they don't have to get bailed out again.

    They were regulated before the Bush Administration got a hold of it.  (at least in the case of mortgage financing).

    People, in general, are pretty damn stupid, at least in this country.  But the dumbass companies who gave loans to these people, are just as guilty, as he people who took out mortgages they couldn't afford.

  8. We've bought a lot of 2208WFP models, but I don't think they're ultrasharp.  They have a strange color palette, red are too pink, blues are too light.  Lots of controls though, so you might be able to calibrate them.  The 20" model has excellent color though.

  9. If he hadn't drowned, and even since he did, we cannot leave Jeff Buckley's 4 octave range voice off of ANY greatest singer/songwriter list...





    So Real


    Forget Her


    For my money, the greatest voice ever, and proof to me there can't be a benevolent god for taking him away...

    EDIT:  Nevermind, embed is disabled on these links, just copy and paste it..

  10. My point was that if, according to the Matt Damon thread, the opinions of Hollywood don't matter, because they come from Hollywood (aka fantasy land), then Jerry Molen's opinion is also invalid, because he comes from Hollywood (aka fantasy land).

    Just trying to balance the equation....

  11. Since politics seem to be a hot topic on this site, who else thinks a Politics section would be a nice addition?  Maybe as a sub-board of Off Topic?  But then again, off topic threads don't appear in the new post rotation on the home page do they?  I volunteer to moderate..... :evil::shock::police::imneutral:

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