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Everything posted by bt_broadband

  1. check in task mnager to see which app is using loads of cpu to find out what is slowing your machine down
  2. im sorry but there must be a corrupt file on the norton recovery, just use the hp disc and slowly add the stuff back like apps and stuff avoid the ghost back up it might have a virus on it, which corrupts the file
  3. so you havee tried re-installing everythink, or just used disc from HP. do you have xp cd
  4. is that clear for you bluize
  6. try to do a repair install in xp setup, choose recovery console
  7. i had that and had to re-install
  8. asubaseball727 i love you baby
  9. can you block me till tomorrow when im not drunk
  10. im confused grrrr
  11. [ftp][/ftp]ftp://helpme
  12. asubaseball727, will you be my friend cuz no-one else will
  13. oh know its changed
  14. hey i like your sig
  15. can you delete this thread pretty please as i am drunk
  16. VanBuren dont block me cuz i really like you
  17. spam-up spam-up
  18. is the server abit fast now
  19. what time is it in america
  20. where is my friend -just he will know what to do
  21. Hello, well when i do a speed test on here i get around 1.3mb-1.9mb why is it when i use adslguide i get 2.0mb-2.3mb. i live in uk and i am on a 2.2mb service
  22. Nope just defaults. got BT VOYGAER 2091 and no setting changed and ip was the one assigned from start and yes it is great to see someone from UK with the slow speeds aswell LOL
  23. rayray was tempted to call you Xray lol
  24. thatnx rayray909 i have a router and how to i bypass it lol, and on my McAfee i dont have any firewall setting there the standard 1s oh and for antyvirus yeah tried it same thing
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