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Everything posted by CaptainSauce

  1. What is a good free Anti-Spyware program out there?
  2. allright, thanks for your help though, its appreciated. I think im going to run down the hall to the tech wing and grab a sledge hammer and just smoke this tower
  3. umm well its a real old style Dell
  4. Im in a computer networking class at school, and this one machine im currently trying to fix for a teacher is just plane right f'ed, and i need to flash the BIOS, can anyone give me some instructions or a program or something i can use to flash it? Thanks
  5. well i just messed with it with the disk it came with and it is telling me i cannot partition this drive because its my boot drive aka the one wiht windows installed on it.
  6. hmm, man i hate being stupid with computers. this is going to be an adventure trying to get this to work
  7. thats exactly what i was thinking, but doesnt that mean a format?
  8. i dont have a valid xp cd key so i cant dl updates, where can i get service pack 2 and stuff
  9. windows xp, and how can i check what kind of mother board i have
  10. its fine but what is re-flashing and how do i do it?
  11. hwo do i 're-flash' and what do you mean by jumpers? all si use is the power supply and serial ATA cable.
  12. everything is set up right, i just dont get how i can get that other 270 out of the hard drive...
  13. i have never delt with bios before really...how can i check up on that?
  14. so my old hard drive crapped the bed and i baught a new one, seagate 300 gig 7200 rpm 8mb Serial ATA-150 and its my master, i got it all working reinstalled windows and its only showing me that i have 127 gigs left on my hard drive...and im more than sure windows system files only take up about 2 gigs worth... so where the heck is my other 270 gigs at?!?
  15. So my hard drive burnt out on me or something and i ened to buy a new one, when i poulled my hard drive out of my tower it says SATA right on it...is Serial (ATA) (( serial ata) the same thing as SATA?
  16. awesome, thank you very much
  17. whats the link for it?
  18. well first off im sorry to continuously be posting new topics and bugging everyone, BUT hear random static noises through my speakers specifically when im moving my mouse around or if it sits idle for a while you just hear like clicking...anyone got any idea?
  19. thanks guys
  20. how can i check what kind of motherboard and hard drive i have because i wanna get a new board and hard drive but i want simular stuff just more gigs hard drive and step up of my board. Thanks
  21. YES!! thank you so very much, that is exactly what i needed, now it works.
  22. so i downloaded wedding crashers unrated, great quality..but no stinking sound, any ideas to how i can get sound (im using windows media player)
  23. allright, what effect does that have?
  24. im using VGA because this monitor isnt dvi ready
  25. Okay...so i got my x2gen 19" LCD TFT monitor and i just hooked it up and stuff and im in 1280 x 1040 resolution and icons on my desktop seem choppy and my picture doesnt seem as crisp and clear as i would have expected it to be? anyone got some feed back on this?
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