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Everything posted by coknuck

  1. How come when you hit the back button your speed will increase about 300 kbps? Is this a true speed or mind masterbation?
  2. just wondering if this is good with 4000/384. 20meg download in 43 sec.
  3. I know its hard to believe but I used to have the same problem when I had dial up. Do you have a phone connected to your computer?
  4. I think monitoring the internet is just another way for Big Brother to know everyone's business. But on the other hand I personaly would like to take these kind of ppl out side a kick the crap out of them. I to use DSL Reports often very good site. coknuck
  5. once you bring up the movies
  6. hello, Iam new to this forum. As far as backing up DVD's there are two great free programs out there. 1) DVD Decrypter (DVDD),
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