Hello all,
Is it possible to use DW6000 and to help supplement it run a dial up at the same time?
(I know that with 1-Way systems dial up was used for sending data. And the DW6000 is a two way, needing no dial-up for connection just wondering if this could boost the speed a bit after fap)
I mean dial-up is like $5 a month with my phone company (and tried and true) so could I do it and say, leave a large download going at night with DW downloading/uploading and Dial-up DL/UL on the same computer.
Think about it, even after I hit the fap I could still get alright browsing speed, now not perfect no. But just like running an internal modem on phone line #1, and an external on phone line #2, well with DW being one of those modems lol.
Help would be appreciated