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Everything posted by pitbull481

  1. Welcome to The Forum Siphon What brand and model is your modem?
  2. if you still dont know how to get your ps2 ip here is another way: this is for linksys wrt54gs: 1. have your ps2 offline 2. enter router setup ( (enter username and password) 3. click on Status 4. click on Local Network 5. click on DHCP Clients Table (check what ip address you got) 6. go online with you ps2 7. click Refresh on DHCP Active IP Table
  3. dude if it was cache me and AgentGOD would get 24Mb or maybe 35Mb D.Ls speeds DUH i average 11Mb download speed only at DSL Broadband Reports. and here at testmy i average just about 9Mb D.L.
  4. if any1 has o.s. linux can you post some pics, so i can see what it looks likes? is it better than windows? also which linux do you use and is updated?
  5. Welcome to The Forum kozlo nice speeds
  6. that is a good start for kids that never used computers or laptop
  7. Welcome to The Forum THC_Blade if this is your isp "ICONZ", you dont have no 10GB (like you mention) nor the 10Mb speeds what package do you have?
  8. speaking of insurance. how much does it drop when you turn 25?
  9. Happy Birthday just- /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> get ready to get by me :haha:
  10. nice pics just- i dont see downtown chicago (sears tower, john hancock, and other skyscrapers) my hometown
  11. I'm averaging 11Mb DL and 700kb UL i got comcast 8Mb/768kb
  12. lmfao :haha: now i feel like playing mario
  13. those wannabes are cracking me up. they soooooooo stupid :haha: they think they rule there hood now they saying sh*t on internet. what kind of bullsh*t is this
  14. Welcome to The Forum ShabberVasan
  15. speeds from dsl broadband report
  16. Welcome to The Forum mlwebsolutions
  17. me and the testmy crew will hack your computer. we can handle it anywhere :haha: :haha:
  18. :haha: :haha: i was reading this guestbook. damn wannabes. http://www.chicagohoodz.com/GuestBook/ what do you guys think of this?
  19. Raring 59.8
  20. HAPPY 42nd BIRTHDAY /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> oops i mean 24th BIRTHDAY
  21. Welcome to The Forum krc1111969
  22. its not only about online gaming you know. anything that has to do with game, systems (ps2, xbox, etc.)
  23. Welcome to The Forum smokeyacr
  24. my nephew has a psp. i am jealous. if i have the money i would get one. btw this topic should be moved to "online gaming dicussion"
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