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Posts posted by CaliScotsman

  1. When I do a WhatisMy IP search it does give me two addresses..must be the way its set up I guess.

    I also talked to my provider about erratic speed, timeouts etc. He thinks I may have a cabling issue.

    We're going to check that and then take stock of the situation.


    I will report back so as not to leave my thread hanging.

  2. I did a bunch of single thread tests and some multi ones.

    Then it proceeded to time out.


    I really appreciate your input although I am still unclear what my genuine effective download speed is from my provider.

    Close to the 8 or 9 figure? Or closer to 25 as they claim?

  3. Thanks for the reply. I'm not an expert in this though so I retain the right to be confused.


    My network access is a little strange.


    I'm in a rural area.

    There's a Time Warner pipe going to a local radio tower owned by my provider, SuperNet360.

    The connection between that tower and my home is via a radio signal transmitted to a receiver on my roof and then down to my Netgear Router.


    To eliminate my home network and router I am able to connect my pc or mac, directly via ethernet cable, to the radio receiver.

    I saw no difference when I eliminate my home network and router.


    I carried out the test to the San Jose server. (I'm in Los Angeles.)

    Linear Test was higher @ 8 Mbps

    Multithread was slower @ 11 Mbps


    I don't know how to interpret this.

  4. Ok, now I'm confused.

    When I've been doing some research it often suggests that multithread tests are not as accurate as single thread.


    I do the multithread test here and it says 25 Mbps

    I do the single thread test and it says 6Mbps


    I get slow loading and timeouts so it seems to me that I do not get 25 Mbps.

  5. Greetings.


    Time Warner tells me I'm getting 25 Mbps.

    To prove this they point to Speedtest.net. (Which I now believe is inaccurate.)


    Using Testmy.net it looks like my actual speed is @ 5 - 7 Mbps DL. And this is borne out by the time it takes for page loads.

    For example when I visit www.telegraph.com it takes between 30 and 45 seconds for the home page to DL completely.


    So, regarding a speed test.


    If I do a multithreaded test it shows around 25 Mbps, single thread @ 6 Mbps. (Similar to Speedtest.net.)


    Is the multithread test a special kind of test that doesn't apply to the real world?

    Is the multithread test therefore not a valid test?


    I'd like to understand.


    Thank You

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