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Posts posted by drdml

  1. Dear CA3LE


    Sorry for wasting your bandwith (and mine).  The reason for my insane behavior: On downloads, they work for me about about 10-20 times in a row, and then they don't work about 10-15 times in a row.  When the downloads don't work, they start but stop somewhere between 50% & 90% complete.  The problem isn't degradation through overuse at one time.  Each day when I start the tests, I usually can't complete a download the first 10-15 times.  Then it works, for a while, stops working, works, stops working, etc.  The reason for so many tests is that I keep moving my computer (which is anywhere from an inch to two feet from my router), or changing the router channel, or trying other things to see whether I can find a configuration that doesn't have a problem.  So far, no luck.  Also, I've been using it as a way to pass the time when I'm awake because of insomnia! lol!  In any case, so far no luck: the successful download rate never really changed.  


    But my apologies for wasting you bandwith & mine!  (I didn't realize there was a cap and this costs money.)  I appreciate your patience and generosity.  Oddly, there was no automated script.  While reading a book, I just kept hitting the retest button...unless I was moving the router, changing its broadcast  channel, etc.  My apologies for the stupid behavior.  




  2. I used to use Earthlink, which was very slow.  I recently upgraded to a faster TW plan.  I would like to delete my old earthlink results, because they merely distort the recent upload and download speed that I've been getting.  Is there a way to do it?


    Thanks to anyone who offers helpful advice!


    Best, drdml




  3. Earthlink, my old service provider, was very slow,  I recently changed to faster service from TW.  Is there a way that I can removed the old Earthlink results?  They are of of no relevance to me, and they distort the summaries of of my downward and upload speeds.


    Thanks to anyone who can offer a solution!







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