SuDsY here, new to testmy.net (although I've been using the tests for a while)
I've got a couple of questions you guys may be able to help with / laugh at me for asking...
Living in rural France I am subscribed to the fastest ADSL package I could get through Wanadoo.fr 2432 / 320
Although I often obtain 90% of the providers average on my downloads, I am struggling to get close with my upload, often only getting between 200 and 260.
I've done the Cablenut thing and had a tweak here and there, and I have noticed a difference.
As I play a lot of Halo on Xbox Live the upload if of prime importance when it comes to hosting and playing.
Now I have to opportunity to have 2 ADSL connections, 1 through Ethernet modem / router, and 1 through a USB modem.
Sounds unlikely, but is there anyway of sharing these 2 connections on my PC network so that they are both used for internet connectivity at the same time...?