Hi flash103. I am from Charleston, WV too...live in Elkview about a mile from Roane county now. We have frontier high speed, adsl2. For the past week it has been extremely slow even losing wifi connection when I am inches away from the router/modem. I wonder if it could have anything to do with their strike.
Well I just thought I'd say hey since we're practically neighbors, ?.
Thank you Pgoodwin1! I am finally getting speeds that are closer to the plan I have. Somehow one of the ADSL lines was down and also my lines weren't bonded like they should have been. They sent out a new modem but it wasn't the one that can be used with bonded lines, as it turned out it. After speaking to them (Frontier) once more, I told the CSR that answered my call to just send the tech out to my home and have them bring the new modem along with them. They came a day early because they were in my area already so that made me really happy. Then the tech called a few days later to see if everything was still working accordingly! ...and it was and still is!! so thanks again for your advice!
I have Frontier Communications HSI. My plan is for up to 24Mbps which costs 54.99 monthly. This doesn't include other charges ,fees surcharges or tax. My dowload speed was 4.1Mbps. Not the slowest result but definitely not the fastest. I have brought this to their attention before a number of times and nothing has changed. They wrote up trouble tickets but no one has ever came to my home and yet I have stayed home to wait for them to show up. I have been more than patient. What would anyone suggest??