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Everything posted by jypagan

  1. The secret Service does not protect the plane Air Force Security Police AKA Military Police are the one guarding the jet. Also when the AF1 was here on my installation (Barksdale AFB, La) They have a crap load of Security Forces guarding the jet. Also guarantee the Airmans that didn't caught that they where in a big load of crap. They can get charged for Derelict of their Duty's, abandon the post etc. just the beginning if the video is true those guys are the S...T not for getting to flightline, just to vandalice the presidential jet. I would not say its priority number 1 just because the President wasn't there or wasn't schedule to aboardthe jet. Thats maybe the lack of security. If the President was schedule to flight I will pay them if they can get to the flight line with out the respective restricted area badge.
  2. Thats a fake test you wont see that in PR for a long time clear your cache and re try
  3. More info Not to bad for only $20 Source http://www.infoworld.com/article/06/02/22/75809_HNgoogleEarthlink_1.html
  4. Will be around 300Kbps
  5. Sorry use the same address but on earthlink make sure the "E" is lower case and will show it to you for some reason is showing the e in upper case no lower case sorry for the inconvenience
  6. SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Google Inc.'s bid to blanket San Francisco with a free wireless Internet service cleared a major hurdle Wednesday when a city panel identified the search leader and EarthLink Inc. as the best candidates for the ambitious project. The Rest of the story here http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/internet/04/06/google.earthlink.wireless.ap/index.html
  7. I totally agree with you. sometime when we are doing the Nuclear exercises, I cant believe the destructive power of this ammunitions. We load the real deal the only difference we don't actually take of with them loaded if we do thats a sign of a nuclear war
  8. look the info on the following web and look for the B-83 and you will be surprise http://www.nrdc.org/nuclear/nudb/datab12.asp
  9. you wont melt LOL you will vaporate instantly
  10. yup tell me about it when I have to go every month and do my monthly certification on different types of Weapons including the Nucs
  11. I am a weapons loader on the Americas Baddest and Bigest Nuclear Bomber the B-52 and I have to disagree In the US we have a lot more power than the Russian the only difference is we don't go and make it public ! more info on the deadly force of this bad boy here http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=83
  12. I have the same version and I am using Firmware Version: 1.11 , Fri, 11 Mar 2005 is really stable and so far I have never reset my router try that Firmware and lets see if is more stable for you also
  13. behind your router you will have a small hole use a paper clip and insert it for 10sec this will reset you router to its original configuration before all that what version do you have Version A or C
  14. what model do you have?
  15. jypagan


    is norton so most likely remove and re-install that usually fix everuthing from norton
  16. always looking for something interesting
  17. CUPERTINO, California (AP) -- Apple Computer Inc. on Wednesday unveiled new software that allows Intel-based Macs to run Microsoft Corp.'s Windows XP software. more info @ http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/ptech/04/05/apple.software.ap/index.html
  18. I guess you guys should start PM because you guys are talking about how to figure out and burn a copyright movie. Im just saying you never now keep it safe
  19. if the computers have SP2 this feature will be disable but you can try to reenable it on your control panel-> Administrative tools-->Services I for got wich one but is there.
  20. jypagan


    just swap everything
  21. I will have no problem I will be raedy to roll I have P4 HT 3.0GHz 1GB ram 128Mb video and a 945G chipset
  22. About time they do a movie LOL
  23. They already have the same thing for PDA's
  24. It was only a joke regardless has to do anything with the subject or not all it was a really old ad for a PC back in the day for almos $9,000
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