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Everything posted by jypagan

  1. I really hope they go on bankruptcy or actually they should just shutdown.
  2. I was looking around on the Member List of this site and I notice there is a lot of member that register on 2003-2004 etc but they don't have any post or they haven't performed any test at all. I know it will suck but my personal opinion if they became inactive for that long it should be deleted from the database, that way we should have a very accurate number on how many active user we actually have. Its just my opinion. You may disagree or agree with me
  3. Really cool I'll try it
  4. I use both @ home but I cant tell the difference yet. I know its there but I just cant tell
  5. I use Lingo its decent but like the other guys already said its good until you start uploading or downloading big stuff beside that its really good and the price really cheap
  6. no seriously I read it couple weeks ago at endi.com they had over 40Mbps but as you know that still in development phase for PR
  7. Just sit tight and wait because I recently read about VerizonPR( telefonica) they are currently testing FIOS. so just sit tight because FIOS in PR is closer than what you think.
  8. (CNN) -- Computer users in many urban and university areas have come to expect connectivity 24/7. There's a cable modem or DSL at home, a high-speed connection in the office and Wi-Fi for the places in between, from the commute to the coffeehouse. But many long-frustrated suburban and rural dwellers have no choice but to listen to the sound of a dial-up modem handshake, with accompanying slow connections and downloads. Their homes or businesses are in areas that are too costly for telephone and cable companies to wire. WiMAX, a wireless broadband technology sometimes known as "Wi-Fi on steroids," could provide relief soon, some experts say, although others see many years ahead before the long-touted technology gains widespread use. "WiMAX is an interesting kind of compromise between cellular and Wi-Fi coverage," said Scott Shamp, director of the University of Georgia's New Media Institute. "It gives you high data speeds like Wi-Fi but covers a much bigger geographic area like cellular coverage," said Shamp, who helped create one of the earliest Wi-Fi hot spots, covering parts of the University of Georgia campus and the city of Athens, Georgia. WiMAX, shorthand for World Interoperability for Microwave Access, is a standard for the technology that can deliver wireless broadband services. Its aim is to combine the speed and security of a broadband connection but with the lower cost and convenience of having no wired infrastructure that's needed for cable modems or DSL connections. WiMAX technology may make a huge difference in less developed areas of the world -- providing a cheaper alternative to costly and bulky infrastructure for hard-to-reach places. "Certainly in markets like Indonesia, India, Africa and some parts of Latin America, where wired infrastructure is poor, WiMAX provides a huge opportunity. There already is demand," said Charles Golvin, principal analyst with Forrester Research Inc. Europe has jumped into the world of wireless broadband with HiperMAN, while South Korea has developed WiBro. Both are designed to be compatible with WiMAX technology. Standardization is critical so that the many products and applications being developed for WiMAX will work together. The first type of WiMAX system -- for fixed applications such as connecting from a business or home -- was approved last year by the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The IEEE soon is expected to approve the next version of the standard, for mobile services. A WiMAX system -- which can be fixed for homes and businesses or mobile for devices -- has two parts: a tower similar to a cell phone tower and a receiver. The receiver could be in the form of a small box, about the size of a modem, or, as is already being developed, a card that can be built into a laptop the same way a Wi-Fi card is in most computers today. The consumer possibilities of devices using WiMAX could bring a gleam to any gadget guru's eye: streaming video, even high-definition television on cell phones, or in cars; multiplayer gaming on a handheld device; and of course, other information and entertainment yet to be invented. The WiMAX timetable Golvin said that while WiMAX will have a big global impact on consumers, vendors and telecom operators by making high-speed wireless more available, it won't happen until 2010 or later in places that have long had access to broadband connections. "In developed economies, where cable and DSL infrastructure is reliable, where there are lots of subscribers and it is widely deployed, WiMAX does not have a great advantage," Golvin said. But some WiMAX developers see other business possibilities occurring sooner, such as setting up wireless broadband for entire communities. Intel is one of the companies pushing WiMAX technology and has invested heavily in its development."What if you want to wire an entire city? Even in a mountainous terrain like Mexico City, you could put up a tower that could reach 50 to 70 miles," said Eliot Weinman, conference chair of WiMAX World Conference & Expo. Connectivity that covers a whole metropolitan area could help cities woo both residents and businesses, with the promise of being "always connected." Weinman said there are already nearly 400 companies backing the WiMAX technology, for everything from improved communication for police, fire and other rescue vehicles to improved entertainment and information for mobile devices. Computer chip maker Intel is playing a big part in pushing WiMAX as the next thing in connectivity, just as it did in driving the Wi-Fi standard. Intel's Centrino laptop processors are expected to be WiMAX-enabled in the next two years. Amid this activity, that cutting-edge group of tech enthusiasts known as "early adopters" has begun to see portable devices as more than just mobile phones -- in reality small computers. "More people are getting used to getting their news, sports, weather, music and video on that device, and with that will be more demand for faster networks," Golvin said.
  9. Maybe you been hacked
  10. I have done all the Trobleshoting prosses disconnect the modem, router, pc etc. But I keep loosing conecction and this are my speed I am on the 4/512 plan :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 173 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 21 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Oct 3 13:40:02 CDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB download in 48.76 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 4.71 % of your hosts average (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-1HODI8AVF :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 30 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 4 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Mon Oct 3 13:44:45 CDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 256 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 5.77 % of your hosts average (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-AC7O3Q8LM and thisis what I get on the cox website http://test.lvcm.com/ you gotta love Java test MySpeed Results Download 113,016 bps Upload 141,824 bps Usually both site testmy and cox give about the same results
  11. I have the same speaker but I don't have that problem. BTW the sound is great and cant comply about how they performed
  12. Hey Guys, I have 2 D-Link Wireless Router DI-524 I would like to use both. Is there any way I can use one of them to extend my range and or add more PC wired and wireless from the other router Thanks on any input!!
  13. also check this site out tells you horror stories that people been through using their system http://www.aboutpaypal.org/paypal_froze_my_account_because_my_husband_s_account_has_negative_balance on the frame on the right side has more situations that happen to people
  14. in the past the put my account limited that prevented me from making purchase or if you have money on their system they will hold it. They will e-mail you with son BS saying and quote: Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s): Jun. 16, 2005: We have received more than one report of suspicious behavior from your buyers. and don't even sell anything I just use their system to buy stuff. So watch out from paypal if you can stay away do it.
  15. he is just a lucky bastard
  16. Yes thats all the "s" means on the "http" portion the next time you login on a website that you know have to be secured ex. your bank account look at the address bar a see how it changes to https
  17. I know this because I been victim of paypal fraud in the past. Also watch your paypal transaction they will look for any excuse to "limited"
  18. when you visit the paypal web they tell you if you receive a suspicious e-mail about providing personal information that you already provide just login to the website using the secured method from the beginning
  19. if you recieved that via e-mail. Paypal Will always use your full name that you put on file. also the paypal address is simple http://www.paypal.com or if you are in doubt of the web site add the "S" on the http part "https" hope this helps
  20. The owner should stuff the dog when he passes away
  21. Does any one have the comcast # for customer support besides the 1-800-COMCAST? Thanks
  22. Freedom of expression is one of the most fundamental rights that individuals enjoy. It is fundamental to the existence of democracy and the respect of human dignity. It is also one of the most dangerous rights, because freedom of expression means the freedom to express one's discontent with the status quo and the desire to change it. As such, it is one of the most threatened rights, with governments - and even human rights groups - all over the world constantly trying to curtail it. The United States, probably like no other nation, has recognized the importance of freedom of expression to safeguard democracy and grow as a nation. However, this does not mean there are no efforts to try to curtail it. The internet has often been the target of this efforts, as it provides practically everyone with the ability to communicate their ideas to wide audiences and escapes the ability of the state to control it.
  23. I will not tolerate any racist comments I don't tolerate in my military job either on a forum and yes that was a racist and inconsiderate and ignorant comment
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