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About ^|X|^tw33ty

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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^|X|^tw33ty's Achievements

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  1. i might try skype
  2. GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(feels ocward)
  3. i got new one
  4. im making a new sig do u like it better then my old one?? new one old one
  5. no hockey like this pic (Carolina) and this pic (edmonton)
  6. If i was u i would peffer the gfx card couse personnally(shhh) i like graphics better then what the screen looks or how the speakers sound i only like the graphics (flame thrower is graphics card and other is motherboard) all the smileys cheer for graphics card!
  7. i cant belive edmonton lost the stanley cup!!! in the last period they could of scored but then the retarded smith goes in there blue line when hes defence and dont come out when they go accross .... wat a idiot i feel like killing some one smith is a
  8. hello and thank you for the welcome guys lol smiley fight!!!!!!!
  9. hello and thankyou for the welcome i will be on this fourm for a long time couse it sounds like there are very nice people here
  10. thank you
  11. what do i type in sig box?
  12. why wont it show?!?!?!
  13. like this?
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