Hi Ca3le,
I am aware of your automated tool and have been using it. I would like to run the tests and capture the results to CSV locally (programmatically) for collating reports that use with the ISP's here in Australia. previously I had been using speedtest-cli to do these tests. Due to my own ignorance, I didn't know about the differences in the tests - now with the new knowledge, I would like to use testmy.net to gather the results, hence the reason for my keen interest in the tool that Paga is talking about developing. This is the type of reports I have been collating previously with the speedtest-cli tool. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KKrkZUjA7Q1QL-HoFprcaOSNptyj4RNV-WbGI_plw-Q/edit?usp=sharing
I generate these reports for myself, family and friends and also for clients as ISP's in Australia (particularly with new NBN installations) like to play the blame game and these reports are extremely important to hold the ISP's accountable.