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Everything posted by cmarkmyers

  1. Well luckily they don't have yearly contracts here, although I am sure it is just a matter of time. But I too got quite a bit of a run around between Billing and Tech Support. Very frustrating!
  2. Yes, well... On the plus side, I am at around 90% of there 768/128 plan, so hopefully that is a good sign that I will be at 90% of their 1.5/384 plan
  3. After a lengthy (90-minute) phone call to Verizon I was able to clear up my problem: Long story short: A year ago I contacted Verizon to downgrade my service to a cheaper plan. Coincidently, they were in the process of upgrading their basic plans so their new basic plan (1.5 / 384) was going to be about the same as my old premium account. Well, somehow there was a mix-up. I do not know if it was due to my call, the conversion they were going through, or something else entirely, but apparently when they made changes to my service they set me up in billing as a 1.5 / 384 customer, but technically they had me
  4. I read on Comcast's site that they are increasing most of their residential service from 3.0 to 4.0... Does that have something to do with your increased speed?
  5. Wow, that is a terrible, only 56K upload? But I am about in the same boat, although my upload speed is a whopping twice that. I get a bit better performance on my Xbox when I unplug my DSL cable from my router and go directly to my game console, but there is still definitly room for improvement. Good luck to you.
  6. I feel your pain My Verizon DSL is abysmal. I am actually on hold with them now hoping they will tell me there is something they can do. If not, I will reinstall Windows XP, set everything back to normal, and try the tweaks here. But even if all of that can only double my upload speed then I am switching to Cable modem. Out of curiousity, where abouts do you live? I am in Richmond, VA, and wonder if Verizon is this bad everywhere. For the record
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