I don't know a lot about a lot of the testing that my isp (ATT) does when they come out to tell me every time that the is no problem with my signal, which may well be the case. However, when I am surfing and I click on a link, ant link, it takes 10 of 15 seconds or open when no one else is streaming.
I pay for a 12 mbs service because that is all my ISP says that the old copper lines will support. OK, I can live with that. However, all of the speed tests (Ookla, ATT Speed Test and Testmy.net) all say that I am running in the 2.5 mbs range, except when the ATT tech shows up , then I get 12-13 mbs. As soon as they leave, back to 2.5 again. I showed then the tests and they say that either the tests are wrong or I am streaming on multiple devices (which I am not) and the tests are not a true measure of the speed. All of my testing is done on a laptop that is hardwired to the modem..
We each have a cell phone (2) each have a tablet (2), we have two smart tv's, two Apple TV's, a WiFi printer and a desktop, 10 devices that use WiFi. While these devices show up in the list of devices do they really use that much bandwidth when they are idle, turned off or asleep?
Is there any type of independent service that is available to test my signal other then my ISP or confirm that my connected devices do or do not use a substantial chunk of my bandwidth when off, asleep or idle?
I attached a copy of my signal graph. The flat line on the right side is over a two day period. The spike up on the right side is when the tech was here.