I know when I signed up in February of 2005 there WAS a 1.5M package, then shortly thereafter they changed that package to the 3.0M package. Sneaky Verizon indeed, I waited for 2 months without seeing my speed change, and called them...they said that they don't change a customers speed, even if it is faster for the same price, unless the customer calls. Anyway, I called to get the 3.0M for the same price(my throughput speeds are really good too, around 2.9M, and I'm 2 miles from the remote terminal), and waited weeks for it. I called and on several occasions scheduled a Verizon tech to come and check things out. 3 times I was stood up. Finally, I called and said that if I didn't get what I agreed to pay for, I was going to cancel my service, call the Better Business Bureau, and tattoo their reputation as much as a could, as well as get Earthlink DSL so that I still used their equipment but didn't pay them for it( IEEE used to not allow ISPs to restrict their equipment from others, such as telephone lines, routers, etc.). Needless to say, there was a Verizon tech at my house the next morning at 9:15 AM. Perhaps you could try being dirty too.