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Posts posted by AlucardHS

  1. Im willing the bet I can copy that Mac for cheaper! And run 3 OS's on the same HD; Win 7, Ubuntu 9.10, and Mac OSX all at their full potential.

    just saying dude, just saying.

    You enjoy your Mac, Im gonna plan my next PC build for tax time.

  2. wait wait wait you spent all that money on a laptop and it didnt come with a ssd? as much talk that goes on in here about Mac and that laptop with that price didnt come with a ssd drive? so you spent about 1k worth of hardware and 1.1k for the mac name.

  3. the Goliath is not recommended for beginners at all.

    omg its not that hard!

    Put it in a glass or plastic tank with w/e you want to fill it with. Find some annoying bird and trap it. Put the bird in the tank, boom he does the rest and your good!

    just dont stick your hand in the tank and shake it like a wounded bug or rodent!

    Thant goes for any pet that should really be out in the wild and not put in the home!

  4. the only way ill do Liquid Cooling is when im able to find a coolant that is NON-Conductive in any way! Until then ill just stick to fans. That or ill just dump the entire PC in oil! That works too but im gonna gonna waist a few gallons of oil to keep my pc cool. But that would give me hella overclocking capabilities!!!

    Hmm ill brb

  5. mother board finally kicked the bucket! After 6 years of Epic gaming it decided that its too old to keep up with today's games. Oh well but the other parts are still good. Now all i have to do is sell or give away the working parts and buy new PC goodness!

    Now all i have to do is play the waiting game till i buy the new stuff.

  6. IMO i think its alot cooler than facebook and instant messenger...since its all in one place.

    Now all you have to do is convince your friends to quite FB and join Google wave. but you also have to convince there friends of friends and ect ect ect to join as well.

    cause we all know how useless it is w/o a lot of people to use it with!

  7. Ok since I don't deal with wireless routers I have my Zune teathered to my of using the USB cable. The built in browser is not much of anything to talk about. It's just a standard browser no YouTube on it but I think a sofware update will change that.

    As for this onscreen keyboard I'm not really a fan of them cause I perfer a hard keyboard. But it seems to get the job done for now. I don't really brows the net on this thing to really get into it.

    But everything else on this Zune is great. The HD radio is Cristal clear. And the touch screen is very responsive no lag in switching menus. The Invida Tegra chip really makes this player fly. The Zune software is very simple to use and runs automatically. Just point it to your music folder or any other folder and it does the rest.

    The marketplace has a big selection of music, podcast and videos. But I already have my own crap so no need me going in it lol.

    As for sync time its very fast. I synced little over 1gb of music in a a few minutes. Less then 5 I would say. As for music and video formats it support not many but all my music is mp3 anywys no no converting needed. The only thing I had to covert was my anime from ogm or mkv to the Zune video format.

    The battery life is decent in my opinion. 33 hours for music and 8 .5 hours for video. Both with wireless off. Charge time is about 3 hours connected to a of and 2 hours with the A/C adapter.

    I feel as if I'm missing something. Oh yea the screen. Scratch resistant touch screen surface at a 16:9 ratio at 3.3 inches. Very detailed OLED display with bright colors. The screen is sensitive so it doesnt take much to slide from menu to menu or to the next track.

    As for hardware it only has 3 buttons. On/Off button at the top, volume button on the side. But the control is in screen. And the home button at the bottom of the screen. Very thin and light for thoes who want to go jogging or to the gym.

    Ok I'm done typing all this using the onscreen keyboard. So I'm gonna leave it like this for now. I'm getting back on my pc.

    Any questions on the Zune HD ask away.


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