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Posts posted by AlucardHS

  1. We should go back to 8-track Tapes ! No FF or track skip just listening to the whole tape. Now that would mean that the whole album would(should) be good! And be worth buying, not jsut 1 or 3 songs and the rest just filler crap. If you cant make a whole good album with all good songs why should i buy it !

  2. If it sucks, why bother watching?

    You wouldn't know until you started watching it. It would be like one of those movies you thought it would be enjoyable to watch but turns out to be a really crappy movie in total. At that points i just walk out and go into another movie playing next door or across the hall. If nothing good is playing i ask for a refund but they don't give it cause the movie already started.

  3. I can understand 1 reason only. Who wants to pay to see a crappy movie ? Like G.I.Joe, Transformers 2, Fast and Furious(really WTH is this crap), what else is a crappy movie that came out this year.

  4. Childish, me Naaaa, besides 12 year olds don't know about that kinda of stuff. As for that link, well i kinda gave a damn about your little issue so i posted that. In reality you cant really do that for any .rar file so your S.O.L. on that. As for the growing up and doing something part, hmm maybe i should just stop here.

  5. Is he talking to you specifically? No he is just saying he doesn't believe in anything. You as a God fearing person should know when Satan is pulling you down to his level. Its like yelling at a mosquito bite that keeps itching and you keep scratching it to make it worse. You should be above Ignorance, not talking to it at eye level. There is no need for me to question the source. I already know by just the words spoken from it.

    Ping Forum MOD'S: Ignore Button Get on it !!!

  6. Found this good info on taking the Unicru Online Applications.

    Unicru Exam Analysis (LONG)

    This test, like the famous MMPI, is designed to discern personality from a bank of questions aimed at specific themes. By asking questions negatively and positively in many ways, they hope to pull common themes from the bank of questions. The MMPI, like this test, was an abject failure at its goals. It has long since been discredited at discerning personality. In short, this test is snake oil.

    However, how they work is not intuitive, so here is a short lesson followed by my (probably imperfect) analysis and thoughts. The idea here is for others to get a sense of how these tests are put together so if/when they change the test questions the method is still valid.

    These tests ask questions about certain themes (here diligence, intelligence, extrovertedness, agreeableness, mental stability, evenness of temper, and reliability). They ask these over and over again 8 or 10 times in random order. Some of these questions they ask in a "positive" or forward order such as "I like all candy." Here, agree might be called for. (SA being wrong as there is an "ALL" in the phrase. This might indicate dishonesty in answering.) They will later ask a negative question based on this or a loose similar idea, such as "I seldom eat candy." Answering agree here would flag you as deceptive, as your answers don't match. It should be disagree, to match. (Or SD)

    The problem with these tests arises because of the complexity of communicating short phrases out of context. What if I didn't LIKE candy? I might fail it due to personal prejudice.

    This is why the MMPI and all similar tests are no longer used for 'personality' testing by serious scientists. They do, however, if properly created (which this one is, of course, not) and balanced TEND to indicate when someone has certain mental aberrations.

    That being said, I took a few hours to go over the entire test given and explain my answers and illustrate the correlates between the positive and negative questions.

    I get rather snarky sometimes, and want to explain in advance that I didn't intend to insult anyone having to take these exams, but was expressing my loathing for so callous an attempt to deny people their rightful chance at a job due to a flawed testing schema. It is immoral and against their ethics as a scientist. It is also selling snake oil.

    Please take my results as a matter of seething satire directed at the creators of this 'test'. No one should be made to feel bad at failing a poorly designed exam.

    The key:

    SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree D = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree

    First, the answers. Please scroll past this section for my in-depth analysis.

    You expect to succeed in whatever you do SA

    You are good at taking charge of a group A

    You keep calm when under stress SA

    You are somewhat of a thrill-seeker SD

    You like to be alone SD

    You are well aware of your inner feelings SA

    People are often mean to you SD

    You get angry more often than nervous SD

    You know when someone is in a bad mood, even if they don

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