hello, im from Ireland and i want to install this ntl 3mb/0.3 ,maybe somebody know how it looks in games? Im playing a lot in quake3 and now quake4 in Europe... u know something about pings in Europe, for example : sweden, germany, france, nl and uk
what is that 1 second+ stall detected ?
When i come on game server ( quake2 ) i have all ok ping 20 and zero pl
5min later hmm giant pl :/
Could help me?
So write me why i have that 16kb/s when i dl sth by get right for example? On kazaa with 100users i have 16only too
I think i can make that 115kb/s but i dont know how
Dunno how to tweak or that connection settings.
Hi, my english is not good, but i try.
I have cabel connection 256.
When i try to dl sth i have 115kb/s but then go down and down and stop when its 30kb/s. Can i do sth to have always that 115?
Some tweak or settings? Pls help
thx anyway
Here is my result:
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 270 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)
Download Speed is:: 33 KB/sec
Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/
btw its strange coz when i dl sth by default system (save as..) not some get right i have that 30 when i use get right or some similar program i have only 16! that sux.