I could be mistaken then. I would appreciate any help I could get. I am using azureus, I have upnp enabled, and I have tried changing my port #'s randomly. I had been using torrents succesfully for years on this same hardware setup with no problems and easily getting 250 kbs down, and 120kbs up. I have tried taking my router out of the loop, and connecting my computer directly to the modem. I have tried changing my ip address, I have tried no upnp, I have different clients besided azureus. Currently I am getting all green lights, but without encryption enabled, I get 5kbs max, but with encryption I can get up to 80kbs down and 100kbs up.
Let me know if I should try other things. Thanks for your help. I may also try and give insightbb and call monday, and see if they say anything.