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Everything posted by aakash

  1. Yes.I am opening the paypal. I am trying to registration on paypal.
  2. He is replied me that,"Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again. City, State, ZIP Code: Please enter a valid combination of City, State, and ZIP Code."
  3. Thanks I am trying it...
  4. Thanks. But i tried it but they replied me Only US Zip Code and Us address is valid. So can you tell me any adress of US???
  5. Hi ! Friends. I am filling a forum on a site.Which name is Paypal.com So,in the site they asking me about zip code. I don't know what is the zip code. EWO is my friend on testmy. He is telling me it is a code of a town or a country. Can you define it????
  6. Ok DSL DSL!!!!! I m indian. Can i help to you!!!!
  7. Hello Roco
  8. aakash


  9. Ya Sir.my elder brother is also says that if we want to convert p2 in p4 then we have to pay. 200$ so there is no many difference in new and used.
  10. yesterday,I went in computer market (gurgaon,india) to purchasing a computer with my father.I saw a intel P2,40GB memory,256ram,mother board include,mouse ,keyboard.In secound hand.Its price is 9500/-Rs . I know it is very cheap,but it is P2 how much money i have to pay to P4
  11. Great answer.resopalrabotnick If i look to the situation.A new one will better than used.
  12. I am using HP5502.it's our callcenter computer.
  13. That's the reason I am saying.used computer will save the amount. I have not the proper & good knoeledge of computer.I just buy it for learn.
  14. shipping means the difference bettween USA & INDIA (in cost).If I want to purchase 2nd hand pc.Its more cheap than indian??
  15. shipping means,the rent of ship??
  16. Yaa!! $451.23 But dell.I don't know dell company.
  17. Ok shug then you know the rates of pc?
  18. Sorry brother.In satellite internet i know nothing.Now I am in call centre (connection of internet) in india.We have a lot's of plans in internet.I can give suggestion to you according to my field.
  19. Ok I understand.You don't want take internet.You want just transferred. For why??
  20. Welcome again unitychild. means you want to use internet on pc without any wire??
  21. Ok,then tell me which type of pc i should have to purchase!
  22. My self prince & I am from india.Want 2 purchase a computer!!
  23. means i will purchase and it comes by ship
  24. Means there is a lot's of different of alaska and india. So it is possible.I can purchase it!!
  25. But you are from alaska. Than why i can purchase it??
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