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Beta Tester 23
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Posts posted by Catbear

  1. Hey,

    That's fantastic! Thank you so much for inviting me to the Beta testing phase! 😎


    I'm really looking forward to trying out the new tests and putting my internet connection through its paces. Too bad I don't have my own server, but I'll give it my all on my local network! 💪


    Your advice about not taking things at face value and doing our own checks is spot on. Trust is good, but a little verification never hurts! 🕵️♀️ I'm really excited to see what my connection is capable of.


    Thanks also for the warm welcome! It's really cool to connect with like-minded internet enthusiasts like you guys. 🤗 I can't wait to share my experiences in the forum and read about others' stories. Together, we'll conquer the internet!


    By the way, I've already voted for the Beta! 🗳️ Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this exciting phase!


    Thanks again for the response and the sweet compliment on my connection. I love hearing that! Let's rock this Beta! 🚀

    Catbear 🐱🐻

  2. Hey there, fellow Testmynet users! 😊

    I'm thrilled to be a part of this awesome forum, discussing all things speed tests and bandwidth with all of you. You can call me Catbear 🐱🐻 – it's a fun combo! I hail from the vicinity of Hamburg, Germany, and at 25 years old, I'm still relatively young. Technology and internet connections have always fascinated me. 💻🌐


    Recently, I decided to bid farewell to my old internet connection and upgrade to a brand-new Cable internet line. The whole experience of installing it alongside the technician was a rollercoaster ride of excitement, opening up a whole new world of possibilities! 🚀🔧

    My provider now offers an incredible speed of up to 1150 Mbps! On average, I'm hitting around 1100 Mbps down and 50 Mbps up – mind-blowing, right? It's the fastest connection I've ever experienced, and I can't wait to explore all the opportunities it brings. 😍💨

    To tap into this high-speed connection, I've got a snazzy 2.5Gbit network card, paving the way to the online wonderland. My trusty router is the FritzBox 6690, which has been a reliable companion so far. 📶💼


    I'm stoked to share my experiences with all of you in this forum and learn from your stories as well. If any of you use similar tech or have tackled similar challenges, I'm here to help with any questions or advice. Let's exchange ideas and make the most of this tech-savvy community! 💬🤝

    Once again, a big thank you for welcoming me into this fantastic community. I'm excited to see what the future holds for internet connections and technology for all of us. 🌟🚀

    Best regards,
    Catbear 🐱🐻


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