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Posts posted by Siryak

  1. This is not intended as a buzz killer, but...Just be careful. Depending on where you live it could be a misdemeanor or a felony to set those things off. The charge is something like "Possession and detonation of an Explosive Destructive Device" Just remember when you are arrested by the nice policeman and are given your Miranda Warning, always confess.  HA HA HA HA.

    Unless my cows are going to turn me in I don't think I have much to worry about lol. :grin2: I live in the middle of nowhere. :cool:

  2. unless it's changed since I had it a couple months ago, that wasn't what I saw.. I don't recall ever having a ping under 900ms, or seeing anyone else that low for that matter..

    Only the people on the less crowded transponders were getting them.

    Congratulations Oleg! Guess I was wrong lol. :uglystupid2:

  3. well, 600-700ms is about the minimum that's even physically possible with no congestion whatsoever... 1000 to 1500 is a much more realistic figure for satellite

    I'm going to haft to disagree here...I see plenty of Hughes systems that average in the 600-700ms range and their satellites are MUCH more congested than Wildblue's.

  4. Sat pings are much higher than DSL,but 1300ms Is too high you should be In the range of at least 75ms with sat connection and you are right ISPs don't care about latency and it also depends on speed connection If you have like 756k sat connection your latency about right  :smiley:

    Well actually more around the 600-700ms range, but anyway I don't wanna pull your post off topic with my same old sob story Ive had for months :shock: lol. Anyway good luck and hope you can get something out of them.

    umm no 1300 is a avrg for sat

    It is average right now. Back before they put in a new BS traffic shaping scheme though I had pings average in high 500s to low 600s.

  5. Normal ping should be around 35-50ms.

    Some people see those results. But the odds that you are going to get them to do anything to get them that low is slim to none. I mostly see people with pings more like yours. I have been fighting the latency battle with my sat provider. Lots of ---> :tickedoff: with no results. My pings average in the 1300ms range and they claim that this is fine. Anyone back on topic. I don't really think that you will be able to get those kind of ping times out of them. I guess it might be worth a try...

  6. Trying doing this. Go Start/Run/Type: cmd/Click Ok/In the window type: ping google.com -n 25/push enter/After the test is done right click the window and hit "select all."/Then push ctrl and c at the same time/Then come back here and paste the results.

  7. Yeah I am just trying to find something cheap I can use without hooking a modem and all that junk up. I want one with those wireless cards and you pay so much and get wireless internet where you can get it.

    Sprint uses a wireless card and it is about $60 a month for unlimited. That is probably about as cheap as it is going to get...

  8. Yep that's how I role. :cool::azn:




    These are just my back-up cars.

    Here is my main ride:


    Lol I seriously have been driving that though ^^^. I've been bailing hay.(Yes I am that rural) Took it to town once to get the A/C fixed. Road sucked and was very bumpy...red light...Jeep Grande Cherokee...You do the math lol. Didn't even put a scratch on the front end loader though. :shock: The Jeep well...:buck2:...In my defense though I bounced so high my head hit the ceiling over a foot up.

    Edit: Oh and no that is not an actual pick of the tractor, just a pick of the same kind.

  9. siryak did u know that link that u provided takes u to a page that wants ur email and password...

    we need a source link to go with that story :)

    what a sad sad situation...how embarrassing...right in front of their neighbors...wow

    Hmm they just changed that recently...It didn't require an e-mail and password when I posted it.

    Edit: Here is some more links to the story.



  10. Man I don't know. They only offer 2 services here...a 29/month and a 39/month. The 29/month is about the same as dialup, seriously. I got the 39/month because a friend of mine had it and his was going pretty good. I really don't have too much info about it. I do know I have a lot of packet loss, though. I know that much.

    O lots of packet loss is not good...I am no cable expert, but I am sure there is someone on here that can tell you what is wrong.

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