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Speed Test
My Results
Everything posted by cmdanes
WARNING....WARNING....WARNING.... XNET is a fraudulent compant. I cancelled service after contract expitred and had equipment removed 2 months ago. Thankfully I was smart enough to draw up a legal docthat was signed by the un-installers. Not so shockingly 2 months ago my credit card was billed $538 for equipment. Xnet was called. Uninstaller was called and so was my credit card company. Uninstaller claimed invoice was sent to Xnet with return of equipment. Xnet has no such thing. Credit card company investigated. Money was refunded. Guess what 2 days ago billed again for $538. Repeat above process. Call lawyer to further investigate possible fraud suit. Not enough people complain to higher authorities or seek further action which allows this company to perpetuate this fraud on the public.i
To above post... How long have you had your service? If you have read the postings you should be very weary of committing your love to this fraudulent company. Or are you an infiltraitor from Xnet? Trying to get a good review in, falsifying true and real customers that DO =NOT get what they pay for. How is the class action lawsuit coming along. I want in on the refund for failure to provide services, as set out in contract. The BBB doesn't even have this company listed or are able to do anything. Us poor Canadians fraught with complaceny and deception. Gotta say I am very happy to be done with that place. In the competitive wireless marketplace, retaining marketshare should be priority #1. Customer satisfaction is paramount to achieving this.
Well, Just an update to let you know what has occurred in my dealings with "I do not XPLORNET" I live 1.5km with line of sight to tower and had the module on my own comm tower. One of the first to subscribe and thankfully my contract has expired cuz I was outta there. Had 3 mg to start..they changed service packs so I was on 1.5Mg and amazingly no difference. They can only provide basic service levels no matter what package you are paying for... RIP OFF..FALSE ADVERTISING...BREACH of CONTRACT for NOT providing service being paid for... Xplornet thinks they can get around this by saying "we DO NOT Gauruntee MINIMUM service levels." I had a credit on account for lack of service and they still charged my credit card... when I had already cancelled service.. Once again FRAUD. Some guy claiming to work for said company calls on a Sat morn and says he is coming out to retreive module from tower. I had a legal document drawn up that was required to be signed by so-called employees to enable them to retreive equipment without damaging any other equipment on tower. these guys pull a no show. A week and a half later my doorbell is ringing like a kid is playing nine doors at 10 am... I go outside to see a guy scaling my tower and another coming from around the corner. No markings on the pickup in my driveway and no ID from these guys who start to get into an argument with me regarding their trespassing on my property. The police were called and it just so happened that my 220lb male Great Dane needed to go for a walk. He wasn't happy abbout the trespassers either! After scampering down the tower and into the truck there were no more trespassers. An immediate call was placed to XNET and the provider that installed equipment. Police came and a formal complaint was lodged against both companies. Installer came out later that day because the 2 individuals that showed up would not return. Good thing they didn't. My document was signed and equipment was retreived. In the document I retained the serial numbers of equipment. XNET charged my credit card $538.00. AmEX was calld about this secondary fraudulent charge and an investitgation insued. Well, snap, credited all that was owed and am overjoyed to not ever have to deal with those rip-off artists again.. Protect yourself Do NOT get involved with this company.... As a side note a competitor that I hate has wireless unplugged service available and am more than happy with TRUE 3MG service at an affordable price... way cheaper than XNET.. good luck get out... or find a lawyer to get you out..if none of those options are available minimize the money you spend and get out ASAP
K, dl'ing@172kb/s in background, game on second screen and me testing on other with 3meg BELL unplugged wireless service here are my results :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 2636 Kbps about 2.64 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 322 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 300 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 37 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/03/09 - 9:14am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GZ48JW1YB U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VZMQTS29A User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070216 Firefox/ [!]
As, above I stated we'll see for how long and obviously the results are proof in the pudding. Xplornet had tried that one on me and I refused to accept their minimum acceptable levels for a basic service level, when I was paying for 3 meg service. Since I have cancelled my service due to their lack of bandwith throughput to customers, me. I have gone with Bell wireless unplugged and am BARELY within the boundaries but am screaming fast with multiple pc's gaming, dl'ing and surfing simultaneously. I still get above 2.5 down on 3meg service package. The wireless "modem" is available at major big box retail outlets. You can also use the service anywhere it is available with the same "modem". A little travel perk. Check out www.xplornetsucks.com for more.......
I agree But they refuse to admit they are lacking in servicing their customers
What is the cost of your 'small business package" and what are you supposed to get 5 meg service?
speakeasy is a faster server and u will most likely get better speed reporting ...DO NOT beleive it. Testmy is a site they use and gives more accurate speeds as seen by customers... although I would stick with this site speakeasy may falsely placate u DO NOT quote speeds from there to them as they are highly inaccurate. Do Not expect a response as all XPLORNET (lack of)service reps are full of it and will tell stories to no end.. is that the reason for 2 yr contract?... Have they given u the :"Well we just completed upgrades and are waiting for Hydro to run system?
CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL...the beat advice u will get in regards to "LACK OF XPLORNET" "We can't gaurantee minimum service levels" is in their customer service response manual page 2 line 3 3 weeks of multiple contacts through telephone calls email's to support re:ATT SUPERVISOR..COMPLAINT...which I was told were actually read by somebody but I received computer generated response.4 replies in less than 2 min. Highly unaccpetable I had 3Meg service but was receiving 1/3 of that not sustainable....downed service to basic and got better numbers paying lesss! Multiple tests is BS, it is a way of putting their customers off... Scott is supposed to be above Ryan but he too PROMISED calls that were never returned. Did testing with tech determined it wasn't on my end so they were going to 'do me a favour' and send out their tower engineer to my home? When told and shown as was in my file the issue was not on my end they felt I would be comforted having a "tower Engineer" come out to my home.... Never happened and No CALL said bye bye to that drowning ship and took my business elsewhere
My experience with Ryan was the same.. Next up is Scott.. He is the guy that is full of empty promises as well....
Well, they try to get around what they deliver by saying 'We do not gaurantee "minimum" speeds. So just above dial-up they say is acceptable but in reality it is not because what should be expected is much greater....See if u are in the Bell unplugged service area.. $99 for wireless modem got the 3 meg package = $39 or $49 and I am barely in range yet still haven't been lower than 2568.with 2 pc's online gaming, both had secondary browsers open and dl'ing media....greatly improved performance and reliability as well as customer service on al fronts...no problems with tweaking router either!
While wife is online gaming and dl'ing music these are my scores on 3meg unplugged :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 2580 Kbps about 2.58 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 315 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 289 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 35 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/02/27 - 7:13pm D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LI6RNQZOE U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KXEUQIOS6 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070216 Firefox/ [!]
Well, it is too late for this EX customer of xplornet. Due to their inadequate customer service, reliability, and sustainability I'm outta there. New unplugged wireless service which I am barely in range of and get 3Meg service consistently over 1.5 weeks has not given me a lower # than 2587 down NO matter what time of day... I can see how they stuck u by gettting a mini fix in for u for now.. let's see how long it lasts.. I know the upfront fee for installation has u looped by the n's good luck
another unhappy customer ... I am currently cancelling my service with xplornet and going with an 'UNPLUGGED wireless service' from another Canadian service provider.. Dealing with xplornet is like being robbed on a monthly basis Where are the lawyers interested in class-action suits? xplornet tries to cover themselves by stating they DO NOT provide for 'minimum' speeds...but I feel as though they can only provide service a little bit faster than dial-up.......get out while u can or get minmum service and minimum service levels.. This company is not interested in retaining a market share. It seems they are only interested in ripping off customers as they do not anywhere seem to provide customers with close to the speeds they pay for.. If u are in Canada look up unplugged wireless...just an option at a fraction of the cost... and we got an extension of the trial period without any problems to see if the service will stack up to it's claims over a longer period.
Completely agree! class-action for theft of services paid for and not received......found another compay with an UNPLUGGED wireless so byebye to ALL the headaches and lack of service/speed......from I DO NOT XPLORENET still want to be refunded for paying for 3 Meg service a nd receiving close to dial up speed .until I was disconnected! When I downed my service to basic I received a speed increase........incredibly.........scam Where are the connections with the consumer affairs? Where are the class-action lawyers.........? >>>the views and ideas expressed in document are private and for that sole purpose >>>>any replication ,duplication or re-use is strictly forbidden.....
Well, Amazingly after having been totally fed up with above results and downgrading package to basic service levels am experiencing way better speed testing
xplornet seems to only allow a customer to get half of what they pay for... Have been with them for 2yrs and even upgraded service to hopefully get more acceptable speeds to only be disconnected and run at their basic service levels .... As customer service reps are very poor in handling issues the customer is left hanging in the wind... Have spent 3 weeks calling because of these issues and have been left with unacceptable responses...Of course even though a rep and I did the basic tests and they discovered it wasn't on my end they still only can manage to deliver half of what you pay for and even then it is at the lowest "acceptable" speed..... Therefore downgraded service to what I do get basic and am currently testing another companies unplugged service... which is blazingly fast and sustainable in comparison to other service that I will not be with for long.......By the way if you are told you will receive a call back.. you are more likely to retire prior to that occuring....my own experiences...9 "promised" call backs from various level of reps and not one was received... fair warning.... All comments made are from my own personal experiences in dealing with issues involving internet connection and can no way be repeated, copied or used in any other communication other than on this forum... Good Luck , barking mad!