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Everything posted by jovantot

  1. actualy is a local proxy used by google web accelerator, you got that speed because it was cached by accelerator, so in short the result that you are getting is not the real speed that you are getting from smartbro, you can try it by yourself go to google and type google web accelerator.... hheheh no offense just sharing. cheerz
  2. i guess this is the one that you use? tsk tsk tsk
  3. for 100mb file size download
  4. looks like coolbuster speed?
  5. just a question do you know javascript injection? actually you can change that value using javascript injection on your web browser, and i dont want to talk about hacking stuff here if you want to it more maybe you email me or send me a PM, if you know how to use javascript void method you can change it even it is disabled (the input box) here is a sample "javascript:void(document.form[0].ip.value="")" <--- this will change the value of IP in form 0, just send me a PM if you want the actual application, another method is to modify the source code of the page, and also as what i have said i dont want to talk about hacking around here. Cheers
  6. @ExtremeFusion my software version is 8.0, and also i dont have that option "NAT Public Network Interface configuration" also i notice that you have admin account (not the level), actually there are to access for the canopy one is installer access and one is admin, on my part, my user is set to none, which is the installer access i guess (since it was also use by the installer/contractor when they setup my canopy page), can you give me a full shot of your canopy page? including the menus
  7. @ExtremeFusion Regarding the DMZ host if you read again my instruction there it is a suggestion to disable it, as you can see i enable it on my canopy,because i have extra layer of security which is my router, so every connection going to my ip pass my router before it can reach my pc so i can filter all connection. but actualy you can enable it if you notice too its default disabled even other router disabled it by default, anyways lets try the other way i guess you are almost done with this, as what i have said lets try another thing just for purpose of testing. 1. enable DMZ host and set your DNS server to obtain automatically, i saw your configuration its ok now, you have your DHCP server for your NAT at the Gateway set perfectly, so i am sure that you wont messed up your canopy anymore hehehehe, that is part of learning, you never learn until you try and do it and messed it ip hehe, but am not asking you all to do it, may be lets start it with extremefusion, am not responsible for any damage my instruction are for educational purpose only. so i hope that extremefusion now will be successfull this time. Cheers
  8. @ExtremeFusion You have to setup your IP manually: and what is that DNS? you can also leave that dns server to automatic, you are getting that because your gateway ip address is the NAT public parameter, is the IP for your Radio. try to figure this out: if NAT is enabled base station -> radio -> NAT -> lan if nat is disabled basestation -> radio -> lan the nat is acting like a router. there are two way to access you canopy if your NAT is enabled: 1. access it via your gateway (if you set it up with you can use 2. you can access it with your radio IP (192.168.XXX.XXX). thats why i told you to write down all your configuration that you have made and the one who is default. did you see my NAT configuration? if you see it then that is your guide on what i am talking about here. Hope this help's with your problem
  9. @ExtremeFusion try my suggestion, can you give me the configuration that you have made on your NAT? like IP address, subnet, ang gateway? check out this: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1561/canopysy1.jpg
  10. @ExtremeFusion try my suggestion, can you give me the configuration that you have made on your NAT? like IP address, subnet, ang gateway?
  11. @coolbuster Yes my NAT is enabled. and also just follow my instruction on that page, specially the IP address that you use and what is the default you have to write it down on the notepad, in that way you can roll back your configuration, if there's something goes wrong. if anyone has a problem after trying to tweak your NAT you can send me PM and ill see what i can help P.S. this instruction are only for those who are already familiar with the configuration of their canopy. i suggest to contact technically versed person, you can send me a PM but dont blame me if you messed up your canopy hehehe. @ExtremeFusion try to use your ip (192.168.XXX.XXX) the one you did use when you setup your NAT.remember that when you setup your NAT setting you have change your canopy page it w/c is ( to (192.168.xxx.xxx) you are actually not blocked on your canopy its just that you change its IP so thats why you are getting connection timeout when you try to access, here's what you have to do: on your network setting change your: 1. IP: 192.168.XXX.XX+1 <-- the one you use to config your NAT sample if you use: <--- ip on your NAT then just add/subtract 1 in this way you will not conflict your Canopy IP address. so meaning you can use 2. subnet: (the subnet you use on your NAT) 3. GATEway: you use on your NAT then after that use your canopy IP on our sample its:
  12. @ExtremeFusion can you give me a screen shot of your canopy page for you NAT settings? lets try to figure it out. regarding your mac address you can see it on your configuration page or you have to setup your ip to: IP add: subnet: gateway: then try to "arp -a"
  13. @ExtremeFusion did you successfully configure your NAT? good, hehehe, now you see the advantage of NAT enabled canopy. it simply you can access your canopy without changing your IP and disconnect on the net, except if you reboot your canopy. dont forget to enable your uPNP,CHEERS @g_36 yes, you are right dude, one more question, do your vonage phone has its own router?
  14. @ExtremeFusion you have to set up Radio Public Network Infterface Configuration: 1. on the "IP address" use your current IP (192.168.XXX.XXX) you can check it by running "ipconfig /all" in your command prompt. 2. Subnet Mask: <--- smartbro subnet mask 3. Gateway IP Address: <--- smartbro default gateway 4. click save (dont reboot yet) 5. setup your NAT Private network interface configuration: a. you can use any local address just like a router e.g. 192.168.1 <--- after you setup all and reboot your canopy your default gateway will be that adress e.g. b. DMZ host interface configuration <--- i suggest you have to disable this for security reason. c. DHCP server Network Interface configuration:<--- you may leave this at it is or you can change it if you want. d. you can also set your favorite DNS server on NAT configuration page eg OpenDNS. 6. before you reboot be sure to write down your current canopy address (10.X.X.X), ip to mac address. you may find this useful it you want to disable your NAT and restore it from the installer settings. 7. after you reboot and successfully reconnected, you can access your canopy configuration page thru your default gateway ( or your SM ip address (192.168.XXX.XXX), so it also be easy for your to access your canopy page without changing your ip to 10.X.X.X (if you using the new canopy) or (if the old one). another benefits of NAT enabled on my own experience is that my connection increase for about 10-20% ranging from 600-789 connection speed. ohhh... before i forget after you are succesfully connected and want to forward your torrent port, you have to check out new ip e.g., and use it NAT port mapping together your torrents port. and also configure your torrent client. P.S. dont blame me if somethings goes wrong... hehehehe.. hope this helps Happy New year
  15. yes, but you have to clone your pc mac address to you router, to avoid the portal redirection, in that way you can use your vonage phone thru your router. 1. antenna -> PC (get valid ip and login to portal if redirected) 2. write down your ip (eg. 192.168.25X.XXX) you can check it by typing "ipconfig /all" on your command prompt 3. access your router and clone your pc mac address(the one you use to connect to internet) 4. set your ip to static mode, and use the ip that you have write normally the setting is like this: Internet IP Add: 192.168.25X.XXX <--- this is your ip when you successfully connect to internet using ur PC Subnet Mask: Gateway: 5. antenna -> router (with mac add of your connect PC) -> LAN (PC and vonage phone) Note: if you enable your NAT on your SM be sure to use the setting on your NAT. another thing is you have to set up your QoS on your router, for you vonage phone, normally VoIP uses 50% of your bandwidth, so you have set up your QoS on your router, or else you will experience slow connection on your browsing, especially when you are using your vonage phone. hope this helps. happy new year
  16. @ExtremeFusion I dont think so you can configure port forward with smart bro using public address (125.60.xx.xxx), they say that you can configure it with NAT Enable on your SM but if you try to figure it out and play with your SM's NAT, when you try to configure your NAT on your SM, as you can see you are still using your local address (192.168.25X.XXX) to access the internet, meaning that before you can open a port, you have to pass your connection to the AP (main router), so unless you have access to AP or request the administrator to open a port that will redirect to your local address just like NAT and other router(local), but i dont think so that they will permit it. anyways, where do you want to use your port forwading? game apps? some people use hamatchi to host. Correctly me if i am wrong, hope this helps. happy new year
  17. try use router bro, and clone your mac address, and connect your vonage phone to the router, you cannot use the phone directly, to smart bro antenna because every time you change your mac address you have to login first to the portal to access the internet, the best way to do is to use a router connect your PC to the antenna, after successfully connected to internet, clone your mac address to the router, then connect your PC and vonage phone thru your router. Hope this helps. CHeers
  18. can i make it this more faster? i already use cable nut, tcp optimizer, cfospeed, and antenna tweaking. any new discovery guys?
  19. @elijahpaul i have the surge suppressor on the box kaso inde nila kinabit tamad talaga hahah binigyan ko pa ng P200 para ganahan. well anyways about the plug wala akong makitang ganung pin puede ko kaya i assemble lng un, may other way pa ba para mag reset ung module?. thanks
  20. THanks for the reply @elijahpaul here is the wierd thing the installer dont install the surge suppressor derekta ang nilagay nilang cable from antena to the power supply connection, what do you mean gamitin ko ung default plug? could you please ellaborate thanks @overboost for the referal..
  21. @jovantot Thank's for the Welcome... yup i already read the instructions, the only thing that i cant figure out is how to access the canopy page. coz i cannot access the page with the default ip (, nabasa ko kasi tungkol dun sa locked na ip, wish na me makuha ako pano ko ma access thru mac to ip address i read it from one of the forums and they discuss it how does the installer generate the ip address, i just cant figure out how can i get that SM mac add. thanks for the reply's
  22. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 240 Kbps about 0.24 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 29 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 225 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Upload Speed is:: 27 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 2) Test Time:: 2007/03/03 - 6:39am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-4SE0BI153 U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-V1AOKLG26 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) [!] Pano ba malaman ung mac address ng SM nakita ko nga na iniba ng installer ung ip 10.198.x.x parang ganyan e
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