Well, my new ISP took the Canopy crap gently off on my purchased tripod and pole, and removed all Xplornet equipment from my roof and gently placed it in my garage on my workbench. So I call xplornet and tell them I want to cancel service immeidately and am told that I have to fill out a form and send it in to them by fax??? WTF!??? Ok, so now after reading this above post, I am thinking I will make sure that my three Akitas are not as happy to see these guys when they try to remove the equipment. I'll be photographing the equipment and the idiots that come out to deinstall. When I hand them the canopy crap back it will be a great time to get pics of the deinstallers too right? You never know when you need proof of who came out. So I might want to have my cancellation letter faxed from my lawyers office in town. Xplornet, what a bunch of crooks. I am outside of my one year agreement and I don't remember any bullshit about sending in a fax to cancel with these morons. I've asked that a manager call me back this week to discuss this and am told within the next few days someone will call. I told her that their management are all cowards and won't dare to pick up the phone to discuss this. I'll bet money on it. We'll see. So now I have to go dig up my old contract and see if it mentions faxing in a form. I doubt it will. I'll be talkingt to my lawyer about full recovery of the entire 1.5 years+ of unsatisfactory service for sure. What the hell, if I performed like this I'd be fired. Anyone want to see the letter I got back from the BBB? I'll see if I still have a copy on my other mail account if so.