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About bvirus

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. call them again and again.. tell them that your paying ur monthly bill and yet not getting your right speed.. every 10mins..
  2. it happened to me also last year... i think you should call smartbro.. what they do in my case, they change my antenna and replace the old one with new settings of Canopy
  3. what do you mean by base station? what if a house is near a SMART antenna? will the connection get faster?
  4. why is it that megabytes have higher speed? hehe.. i hope i can get that same speed..
  5. @siracomputer is there a new proxy server for smartbro? the existing proxies are not working anymore.. huhuhu.. :cry:
  6. ENGLISH ONLY PLEASE EDIT: to remove foreign language
  7. aus sa bilis...
  8. my highest without tweak..
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