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Everything posted by jaml311

  1. Looking for a quick way to shut down a large number of computers on a network. Where i work i shut down a lot of computers before i leave at night and was wondering if this would be able to do this. Was also wondering if this would bypass any stoppages asking to save a document or if a program will not end while its shutting down
  2. anything that wojuld work well in a 2001 chevy cavalier with a sony cdx-gt630ui cd player
  3. does any one know of a good site to match cd players with speakers that work well with them
  4. office space
  5. can some one please help... im trying to remember the song that Michael Bolton is playing in his car in the opening credits
  6. Looking for a way to view and use everything on another users on your computer account without logging off of mine?
  7. fair enough..............i was just wondering if there was a search feature to only display what i searched for such as a certain file extension or with certain words
  8. no problem thanks for the help i just got a I/S tech job and im just trying to learn some new things to help me out
  9. no just cleaning up my computer and trying to learn how to use the cmd so i was just wondering if there was a way so i could practice
  10. Could anyone in here provide me with instructions on how to search for files in a command on windows xp and how to delete. If it is possible
  11. ill try my best to thanks for the help
  12. i just got an I/S tech job for a warehouse and i'm trying to study a few things and learn some new stuff
  13. Does anyone know of any good sites that could be used to learn how to use the cmd.exe command prompt.
  14. Does any one know of a good program that finds the correct album covers for your songs on your ipod and/or finds album/artist/or track names please let me know P.S. That is also free
  15. yep thats the same one i already tried and its working again. not sure for how long thanks for the help though
  16. Thanks.. I think thats where i downloaded from when i tried to fix it and it worked for a couple days and went right back to the same thing. What is the link for the site you requested
  17. recently i reinstalled windows xp on my Toshiba Satellite A85-s107 and for some reason my sound does not come out as loud as it did before. You can barely hear it. Does any one have any suggestions on how to fix this?
  18. yes it is with xp. i figured it out though. i was not being connected to the site i subscribed to. and i had to make my computer the dmz host on my router and open the ports for the news rover. working great now
  19. is any one familiar with news rover and/or thundernews that can help me out. i find the files i want to download. download them. and cant find them any suggestions
  20. you were right thanks dude
  21. Are those the current ones as of right now.... cause those dates are a long time ago
  22. Does Any one know who the current big Five Orchestras in the United States are.....?..... i have an assignment due tommarow and i need to know those ... and i cant find them anywhere .. please help
  23. you can't bridge when you use internet conection sharing
  24. I am trying to use my x box live with internet connection sharing on my lab top and its not working. Ive done it before so i know its possible does any body have any ideas on why it might not be working
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