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About prez

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. lol oops, didn't even see that.
  2. oh, i thought you had vista. I have vista but the clock is so small. Guess i can't use a trans' pack haha.
  3. In the first pic how do you get that large digit cock???
  4. okie dokie.
  5. they are puttin a new mainline in my neighborhood today hmmmmmm
  6. That program watches you like a hawk.
  7. I assume you have to give them your mac address to get internet? if not get Tor and Vidalia to show a false ip. What software do u install I wouldnt install crap to let them watch me.
  8. lol im not going to argue.
  9. sure did thanks a lot man, it looks sweet, the quality is pretty good for being full screen.
  10. TY very much, if you want to remove my email feel free to do so. thanks again
  11. nvm
  12. pwnce....joost Are they the same thing what?
  13. 1.Could I get an invite, please? 2. <snip> (not afraid to post email) 3. I have looked high and low for like 3 months for an invite, really want to try it out 4. referred like 4 people already and will continue doing so. Thanks
  14. Use bearflix, thats what i do now.
  15. wrong, I have some ports forwarded and they blocked them. my speeds almost stopped. Forwarded to different port and guess what smoking fast speed again.
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