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Everything posted by mapuamj

  1. ah.. thats good! hahah...
  2. @ EF hows the problem? done with it?
  3. ha?? y should i? @ianonline
  4. my notes isnt the one i wrote during lecture hours, its just a lesson guide given to us with some solved problems..eheh
  5. hahaha... im taking up BS Chemical Engineering, and i have 1 year to go!
  6. wahah i dont know that!! @ ianonline, well im helping him because i have alittle background on that, hahaa... but im not taking mechanical engineering but somehow close to that
  7. @ ianonline wahaha im not genius, just an average one
  8. hah.. any way i know u got more note than i have hahaha.. u can solve it.. just try!
  9. ah.. im not really sure, but base on may notes, thats how we solve that problem, can you consult your professor about that? i really chekd it and there's no possible way on how "i" can get the roots of that if it iss^3 + 2s^2 - s + 2 ... hehe , if you want check out my notes i'l scan it, whats ur ym?
  10. ah gets. .. this is our second to the last lesson on differential equations, "transforms of derivatives" i dont knw if i cn still remember this one.. haha this was taught 2 or 3 yrs ago to us at the latter part of the term so probably im not listening..ahhaha
  11. haha.. no what i mean what course are you taking up, on your last post? what's that? laplace transform? whew forgot my differential calculus.. i take that up when i was a freshmen haha.. i'll try anyway
  12. are you sure that it is a positive sign?? in s^3.<....+....>.2s^2-s +2...???
  13. woa.. now i see.. haha il try again whats ur program?
  14. on number three im a little bit sure of my answer..refer to my solution, any way where do you study??
  15. my answer in number 2 is.. -(1/5) + (6/5)e^(-5t) for number 3 -(3/2)e^(t) + (1/6)e^(-t) + (4/3)e^(2t) for number 1 i have a partial answer, but i got troubled on one part, so i cnt gve an answer il try tom.
  16. got the answer on number two... hahaa!! i hope my answer is correct, i'll try problem1, whew.. where do u study?from wt school? we take this up on differential equations.. 2 years ago.. haha,
  17. il try to answer the first two.. il scan my answer tom. its already late!
  18. wuhu.. got the answer on the third problem, but im not sure if its right.. hhaha
  19. woah... i'll try to browse my notes
  20. hey coolbuster, how did you get that score?/?? pls share the formula de coolbuster... hhehe, i hope you could share it ,
  21. hahha.. juz wait for a day
  22. this comes from the net on how they configure so they can log in to prizm evaluation.. but cnt understand..hahah... 1. Installed the mysql database , created the user bost_user with password bost_user & database as prizm . 2.Install the prizm with proper require JRE. 2. Copied the licene file given bu Motorola for prozm to c:canopylicenfiles folder 3. Updated C:CanopyPrizm3rdPartyJavajdbc_driversmysqlmysql.xml file to reflect correct mysql java connector. After doing all of above I can now login to the prizm server with prizmadmin username & no password , But I still am not able to get any devices scanned. try this link.. hope we could figure it out.. http://motorola.canopywireless.com/support/community/viewtopic.php?p=6184&sid=302f959dbcebffe35ad6523211198c8f at least for 30 day period.
  23. @EF ive already upgraded my canopy, got a problem last night because i input a wrong ap.. hahaha.... about the prizm, do you know how to configure the postgreSQL so that i can log in to the prizm? got a prob configuring it,,
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