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  • Speed Test

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Posts posted by snip07

  1. about 40-50 kB/s download speed. but no upload speed.

    oh...well thats good you still get your dl speed 40-50 even though your not uploading  :smile2:

    during better days i get 80kB/s on DLs, 50-60kB/s on ULs

    wow! that fast? until now? or did it lowered?

  2. congratulations snip07!

    now ur enjoyng ur smart-bro-ken 7x faster(slower) than dial up!

    :haha: :haha:

    Yeah still smart broken speed  :lol:

    hey, that's the same with me. my current ap has 3 jitter, 900+ rssi. can't switch to others too,that's the best one on the list.

    oh! then we have to :uzi: Smart bro-ken


    i tried it out of curiousity...just can't access your Canopy from my point.  :thumbsup:

    ok! that was a close one  :grin2:


  3. hehehe gud for him but i think some of them cant access ther connection until now

    hey tamie77 thanks for your guide! my speed increased!  :grin2: so for those still cant access...here's what i did after following steps 1 to 4 from tamie77's guide, in part 2 getting your canopy address, at first when i typed arp -a it showed me only this


    edited: not really my canopy

    then i was figuring out why it only displayed one ip then tried pinging then arp -a after few minutes it displayed my canopy ip!

    arpbeq1.png dunno with you guys but thats what i did i hope you'll figure out other ways or anyone would help you here  :grin2:

  4. no it doesnt really mean that if you dont upload your dl speed will go down really depends on the seeders and leechers, it must be 1:1 ratio for ex. there are 200 seeders and 1000 leechers so probably you wont get highest dl speed but the best way to get high speed is port forwarding but for us smartbro users we cant forward ports so we stay on tweaks and canopy sm to satisfy our speed  :grin2:

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