I access my canopy by the canopy esn number. ESN number is located on the canopy itself.
take note of the last 6 character of your esn number then group them together by pairs for example the last 6 character of your ESN is D506BA just group them as D5-06-BA. then you convert this 3 groups from hexadecimal numbers into decimal number by using the windows calculator for the group D5-06-BA converted into 213-6-186. then use this numbers like this:
change you ip address as notice the last 3 part of your IP address is the numbers above exept for the the first one which is 10, and notice that last number is187 instead of 186 because you will be needing the 186 later. hte default gateway would be
after changing it go to you browser then key in then you should be able to browse your canopy settings