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About jkilla

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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    I am the MASTER of myself

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  1. w/o any tweak
  2. @derek22x if ever i restore my canopy to factory settings how can i bring it back to its previous settings?
  3. rssi and jitter are ok but i'm not satisfy to my speed...
  4. @derek22x thanks i can't post for the last 2 days because my connection went down
  5. help.... i have a unstable connection since feb.11 up to now. i found out that the jitter and rssi drop to zero and after a few minutes its return to normal again.what can do anyone pls...
  6. as i said before i did nothing to have that maximum data rate,7000 is my maximum data rate ever since i start using smartbro
  7. with out cfosspeed, cablenut and tcp optimizer feb.12 7:54am MNL time
  8. i did nothing, this is my default canopy software version CANOPY 8.0 (Build 19) Mar 17 2006 16:46:09 SM-DES
  9. yeah thats what i mean thank you for the correction i am
  10. @derek22x i agree @GroundZero i did not upgrade my canopy make sure your RSSI is less than 700 and Jitter is less than 5
  11. feb. 11 8:14 mla time
  12. @ sven what software you used to have that speed... can you show to me your canopy setup..please...
  13. @GroundZero i believe that my ip address and my canopy setup really help me to improve my speed please check the links http://www.testmy.net/t-18214.1860 http://www.testmy.net/t-18214.1875
  14. plan 999 since june 2007
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