Sounds like a desktop problem then, not a wild blue problem, Not trying to be devils advocate here but some common sense here. If it's comming out of the modem fine then you have a good connection.
They do know that you have a modem connected, your ip shows for the router.
Here's what you do to re-establish a connection using your router.
Unplug everything for at least 2 minutes.
Plug in only the modem and let it achieve a modem lock and new IP address.
Plug in the power of your router and let it achive the IP address as well.
Now power on your computer and let it obtain the IP address from it.
Router's will keep the old IP address if your modem goes off and back on, the modem will have a different IP address and you will get slow speeds if any.
If all else fails it's probably pebuac.